Rick and Tracy Ruch


New Member
I've had a few people call and PM me about how Tracy Ruch is doing. Well as of 8:45 p.m. tonight (Feb. 15) she was having contractions and she said she was ready to go at any minute. Evidently Rick is a wreck.... LOL.... For those of you who don't know Rick drives the #6 modified at SFCR and was and formerly drove the #6 RAMS mini stock and was the points champion for 2004. They are expecting their first child any minute now...
GOOD LUCK!!!! Tracy, you thought 1 time of going shoulder deep was rough, well I am sure you know the rest. LOL Hang in there girl, I will be praying for you all. Shannon
Tracy and Rick,
Good Luck! My niece had her baby yesterday 2/15 at 5:34. He was small but for the most part both baby and mom are doing good. Hang in there girl. If you have the baby on the 16th, my mother in law will be happy, it's her bday. She wanted my niece to have hers then but it didn't work out.Post some pics or email them to me of the little bundle of joy. Let us know Millsey if you hear anything too. Prayers and thoughts are with you guys.
My boss talked to someone at Coldwell Banker today and she said she still had not had the baby,as far as they know of. That was before noon though. So she could have had him/her by now. I really wish that it was over for them, I know she is ready for it.
I called their house at 6:09 p.m. (Friday) and nobody answered. That might be an indication since I don't think she's suppose to do anything but bedrest until it was time to go.
I got a call from Tracy shortly before 6 a.m. (Sunday) morning and she painfully said they were on their way to the hospital....
At 11:00 a.m. one of the girls from Coldwell Banker said that Tracy was in delivery. As we mom's know this could be hours. Just say a little prayer and keep your fingers crossed that all goes well and the little bundle of joy will soon be here.

God she's got to be miserable.... I mean it seems like forever ago that she called me to say she was in labor..... OUCH!
Are you kidding me, miserable is putting it lightly.LOL Labor is not a peaceful walk in the park by any means, and to think that she has been doing this for a week just breaks my heart. I thought 16 hrs. was bad. Poor girl, I could not imagine. WE LOVE YOU TRACY!!! The outcome of all this suffering will so be worth the pain and agony(sp???).
FINALLY! It's a boy!

8 pounds, 1 ounce; 21 1/4" tall; and named Richard Grady Ruch..... I got the call around 8 p.m. from Tracy's mom.. I forgot to ask what time was he born. Mother, baby and father are doing great.
Millsey said:
God she's got to be miserable.... I mean it seems like forever ago that she called me to say she was in labor..... OUCH!


CONGRATULATIONS TRACY AND RICK!!!! WELCOME TO THE WORLD LITTLE RICHARD!!! I am glad it is all over and the little guy has finally made it. Best of luck to both of you, I know that you will be great parents. CONGRATS again.
Welcome to our racing family Baby Richard!!!!

Welcome to the world Baby Richard. Congrats to Rick and Tracy. I bet you are glad he is finally here. I think we were all just waiting to hear something....LOL!:D
I got the call last night.... Hailey and I were totally stoked... How EXCITING for you guys. A little boy huh ... Personally I was hoping for a girl. I was alittle partial to the girls name they had picked out. ;)
I am so glad your gift from GOD is finally here for you guys. Enjoy every moment. You are truley BLESSED INDEED!!!!!
We are thinking of you.....

The Jones/Soutiea Household
Welcome little racefan! Congrats to mom and dad as well. 21 and 1/2 inches, huh? Oh, never mind, no "short" jokes. Just glad all are doing so well. Looking forward to photos.
"Congrats to Tracy & Rick on their new blessing!"

You won't believe how many new things you will see throu your child eyes, things we never took time to notice. I believe all children are a BLESSING from GOD! Life will now have so much more meaning to you both.
May GOD bless your new FAMILY.
Marty Boyer #52 M.S.O.
