Security Guard At Belleville What A Joke !!!!


New Member
So during the races tonight in between races everyone goes up to look at the track for adjustments to their cars there were only about 15 people up by the gate it was in between races and this security guard says hey get back here and I said what I was just looking at the track . He proceeds to threaten to bust my skull open for looking at the track...I brought this up to an allied official who asked him what happened and this rent a cop says oh I didn't say any of that " keep in mind I have the full respect for the law" but what kind of trip are these clowns on talking to people like that ..Allied said they can't do anything about it so who decides to hire these arrogant want to be security guards ... most of the guards there are great hell some of them come down and have a beer with us after the races but this guy I think his name was pea or something was working the exit gate there is no way he can talk to people like that in the real world without the question is who watches over these guys and are they real cops or hired security or what .. and why does allied have nothing to do with the security at their show?????
Your complaint needs to be directed to Stan Shanter, the person in charge of the fairgrounds. As you were told, aara doesn't have control over personnel hired at the facility, unless they're wearing white shirts that say AARA....
Sounds like the same WAD that threatened me

:mad: Sounds like the same WAD that threatened me. My first time to Belleville this year was the S.N. race. Following the last L.M. heat I hobbled my fat, dead legged self to the the turn 2 gate to go out to the pits as I have done for years. I get up there, all the incoming cars had already come out, nothing in the way, and he stops me, starts yelling that this gate is only for coming into the track [new this year? something I didn't know] . Tells me "Take your *** back down to the infield and go out the turn 1 gate or if I continue to the pits, I may as well leave because he is not going to let me back in later. By this time the next heat was lined up and on it's pace lap behind me and he is still yelling at me. The corner flagman overhears this joker yelling his Bull and tells him to let me through, which seemed to torque him up.

What happened at Belleville to require a security guard at the pit gate. I allways thought that the pit gate policed itself pretty well, or is this just where he chooses to be so he can enjoy the the races and hassle people who have been supported the track for many years.

Some people let a uniform and a little authority really go to their head. Stan, I know you can do better than this guy.
I'm not sure about all of them but i do know some of them are real cops. Even so they should not talk to people that way. I had something like that happen to me the last night of racing there last year and that was the last time i have been to that shet hole.
