SFCR Community Plebeian Commune


Dissent Sixties Hippie
I have been hearing and reading things such as, track in red, may not be open next year, not fair,(been there) and a host of many things that we don`t like. HEY life is not fair-Life is a SH*T sandwich, but a man has to eat. We (track owners, participants, spectators) live in a capitlist state-bottom line we have to make money to live in it (this can`t mean car owners & drivers, can it?). We all work other jobs so we can do what we consider pleasure.Yes there is room for improvement on everyone`s part. We as participants must put on a show that will bring in spectators, room for improvement. Track owners and officials must work with the participants, room for improvement, to be fair with all to put the show on. We all need to work together, room for improvement, to keep what we consider pleasure will require us to take a bite of that sandwich from time to time. I love to see cars racing not only our class but all classes, it`s great. To lose SFCR would be extremely costly to all. Let us work together to keep this pleasure.
Is there talk that SFCR may not be around next year? I SURE HOPE NOT! I went through that this year with Jacksonville and it s*****.
just hearsay

i talked to corey up at i55 about how excited i was to be racing in the pure street class next year. other things were talked about. sfcr will be there next year. see ya all there! #0 "the wolf"

Yes it`s hearsay but it needs to be adressed before it gets out of hand. Looking forward to see the Wolf5 in pure street next year. We are about to go to mods.,but keep one pure street to run as a back up car. Tell pop I said Hi, if wee can help with the pure street, give us a call Wolf. mun
