Something's Missing!

Well from the best that i can tell that is the official sign up sheet for wackymacs fan club (seen it hanging in the mens room at I-55). In order to be a member of the fan club you must sign the paper AND buy a dodge from wackymac, another way for him to make a few bucks. I hope the print work was done or is going to be done for free thats the only way you might get your money back.

Swappin Paint said:
Is wackymac19 Mike Mcginity? Just curious?

The one and only! I prefer to call him the ORIGNAL "Mike behind the Mike (microphone)" at I-55.

Now we have "the Original Mike," "BIG MIKE" and "little mike!"

By the way wackmaster - no unauthorized stickers or decals on either of my vehicles without prior approval!!!

I already have an "OFFICIAL VEHICLE" sign on my car and my DODGE truck is, well, a Dodge and is not in running condition right now - go figure. It ONLY has 210,000 miles on it!
At some racetracks, when you win the feature from the week before, you get to carry the American flag around the track during the National Anthem the following week. So, I guess he won?
I Don't Recall Him Winning. But, He Probably Could Have. He Probably Wants The New To Wear Off It First Before He Starts Beating And Banging With It!

Well, here it is August 15th and I just got home from the August 14th show at I-55. What a BORING night!!!

I mean... ALL WE HAD was action packed racing ALL NIGHT LONG!

What the people REALLY came to see did not happen. There were no "near misses" with the Missouri-Illinois Dodge Dealers Pace Truck, there were no extra "HEY LOOK AT ME" laps made by the Pace Truck and there was no magnetic Dealer Plates falling off on the track!

All we got to see was a Pace Truck doing it's job. No thrills and no "near" spills!

Oh.... WAIT!!!! Wackymac19 was NOT driving the Pace Truck tonight! No wonder!

Hey GUZA, do we get a refund on our yearly dues now? I paid for a whole year! There was no clause in the Chase Crew Membership Form that allowed for substitute drivers. I believe that as an Official Member of the Wackymac19 Chase Crew, some clarification must be made when a substitute driver is used. The general public must be made aware that if they are buying a membership, wackymac19 may use a substitute at any given time. If I had known this, I may have reconsidered my PLATINUM LEVEL participation. Right now, I wish I would have bought in at the Honorary (Bronze) level.

With a substitute driver, there is no reason for a chase crew! It's a waste of time and money.
chase crew members have not had the required training so the sub has been trained .So he did the job. Only person to blame is you for not having the training!!!!!


I bought my first Dodge in early 2000. 1998 Dakota with less than 2,000 miles on it. In that time, I have driven the heck out of that truck and even totalled it in an accident with a Geo Metro of all things.

The truck now has over 210,000 miles on it! I would say that I have been trained!

All I was saying is that we should have been given advanced notice that a sub would be there.

Mr. Wackmaster, I have the training and can out drive you in any given day, time, or type of racing surface! Same goes for pc36!

Let's head to Boschertown!!!!
:) :) :)
Mr. Wacksmack, I Drive A Hemi Dodge Quad Cab Every Day. As A Matter Of Fact, I Was Running A Little Late To Work Today And Had To Do 90mph Through Traffic All The Way. I Think I'm More Than Qualified To Drive The Pace Truck At What???? 40mph? Maybe????
Hey! If those two can drive the pace truck I will stoop that low and the HEMI powered pace truck! What's the worst I could do to IT! Wreck IT! Remember the last time I drove one of your vehicles IT just had a few dents & dings & I FIXED IT!


You told us to "stay tuned."

What is the big announcement? You have a weave? We know that already!

What is it?
