Special Thank you

As my last scheduled promotion of the 2013 race season came to an end last night with the Unilli Money Series at Cerro Gordo Speedway, so much ran through my head thinking of who all do I need to thank, what's next, what about next year, and etc.....
So I have some what organized it all and it looks alot like this. First off, I need to thank my beautiful wife Rachel Dulgar. She put up with so many countless hours of me being on my laptop, waited patiently through hours upon hours of conversations, was a sounding board for some of my great ideas, and not so great ideas. She allowed me to take risks, and do what I enjoyed to do trusting in my abilities. As well as doing all the small but ever so meaningful jobs or projects that needed done that I just could not get to or that I just waited to long to get done. She stood my craziness through thick and thin and was my rock all year. This is only one of the many reasons why I love her.

Second is all the sponsors and people who supported me with either money, or products, or services. These are listed in no particular order: Unilli Tires, Terry Young at Hoosier Tire Midwest, Dusty Wright from Shaeffer Oil, SavMor Pharmacy, Jason Adams from Afco, Kannen Kauzlarich from Highside Graffix, Alliance TShirts, A.j. Henderson from A.J.'s Services, Mark Plotner, Kyle Urbasek from Burris Thunder Tour and Trick Speed Cuts, Chris Murphy from Missile Cuts, Gabe Gerberding from SyntheticLubestore.com and AMSOIL, Candi Sims from the Decatur Derby Dames, Papa Murphy's Pizza, Bell Helmets, Tim Eilts from Ultra Cuts, "Bake" from Hoosier Tire Midwest, Airwalk Action Inflatables, Joe Gibbs Driven Oil, TT Bone Extreme Karting, ARC, Top Notch Speed Shop, and Stout Racing Engines. Special thanks to all social media, internet sites, radio stations, and peoples personal pages for all there help. And if I forgot anyone I am truly sorry and I will make sure you get mentioned.

Lastly is what's next. The 2014 season will be fast approaching believe it or not and Unilli Tires will be doing another series. I will be in talks with USAC to bring a sanctioned Quarter Midget race to Illinois. There is ideas of a couple indoor races, and several other cool things over the winter. I will be speaking with several tracks about doing different things, and its not out of the question that I may have my own track. One thing I do know is that I will be trying to do better and giving it my all to see the sport of racing grow.

To conclude there was just to many people to name above. If you have helped me in ANY fashion at all my wife and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We could not have done it without all your help and support. THANK YOU and God Bless.
