St. Louis Auto Racing Fan Club?


Haven't heard much about the fan club lately, I was wondering if they had their meeting this past Saturday night. I was also wondering where the meetings were being held?

John Barr
The Trashdog
What's going on with the Fan Club??? I've not seen a newsletter or heard a word about the club in months. Art, are they still holding the meetings at that bowling alley???
jen and i are not officers anymore. i guess the best thing to do is call walt schaub. he might be on the board of directors still.... i'm not even sure about that. call walt @ 314 845 6996.
What's going on?? Why did you guys quit.. Was some woman running for president.... LOL... (Crystal I'm just joking)...
The fan club is still around. I just got a newletter from them this week. Not real sure where the meetings are. It said but i didn't pay attention
We got our newsletter last week and yes they had a meeting on the 6th at Fat Cats, the bowling alley that they were at last year in O'Fallon, IL. Jeff, I had to resign my post as membership secretary cause Reed was getting sick a lot and I didn't think it would be fair not to make the board meetings and stuff. So I thought it would be easiest to do it then, since memberships weren't going to be renewed until Jan '05. And Art's term was over. So yes they are still around and yes they are having meetings again. And they are looking for a membership secretary and a board member, so if you are interested.
Oh wouldn't that be a hoot.... Me on that board. I'm afraid things would never ever be the same again.....
Both of you would make good additions to the Board - unfortunately, they only have room for one! Now... which one? I would say you both carry the same amount of weight in your own areas!

Millsey, you have so many irons in the fire, how in the heck would you have any time? Besides, shouldn't you be building another RAM to give away? I missed out on tickets for the last one!

Trashdog, you chickened out on the Taurus grudge-match! I think you actually negotiated with pc36 to hit my car trying to force me to forfeit the race!

My vote goes to either one of these heavy hitters!
I didn't chicken out, I just did want to humiliate you and your phoney taurus(Sable). It would have been a blow out that you would have never lived

John Barr
The (Master of Disaster) Trashdog
You were where?

dirtgirl said:
You both Chickened out !!!!! I was there and neither one of you were :rolleyes:
Where is the "there" you are referring to? The only place we had a definite maybe was with Millsey's offer at the Sand Drags.

I only missed one night at I-55 (the Sportsmen Nationals) so I know you aren't referring to there. Just because I never made it to the "meeting of the minds" did not mean I was not there. Your just mad because you didn't get to waste 30 gallons of gas to crumple us in one lap with your "Explorer on steroids."

Here is what I think happened: pc36 was hired by the Trashdog to eliminate me from the race. It didn't work. The damage to my car was minimal and will still fit the stock templates if THE DOG wanted to check for any unfair modifications.

I never backed down. The person with the Sable never responded.

The TTG backed down from the Dakota Challenge as well.

So dirtgirl, I realize that NO ONE will EVER win a battle with you, but it's been a while since I have given you any bull.


dirtgirl said:
28 you are to funny!!!! :)
Is that ALL you have to say???

Does that mean I did the impossible? I left dirtgirl with nothing else to say???


Of course, it is early morning. I'm sure you'll think of SOMETHING by 5:00 p.m.:D :p :D :p
Well I was trying to behave :eek: What was I thinking :confused:

Joe are you looking for a GOOD CAT FIGHT THIS MORNING ?????? I could be the best person for you :D LOL!!!!!

And I know YOU did not want me to race with you guys because you did not want to get " SPANKED by a WOMAN " LOL!!!!!!! ;)
Come on! Wake up already! You are capable of sooooo much more!

This is disappointing! Go drink some coffee and wake up!
Dirtgirl's concession speach!

I just got the following message from Dirtgirl in a pm:

"See I was nice to you and then you set me up :rolleyes:"

Looks like it IS possible to beat the dirtgirl!!!!

(Just do it before 9:00 a.m.)

