Steve Short 05 Car

Good One...

Steve already made that statement. I'll let him know what you posted, he will get a good laugh out of it. I guess if you can't beat em, join em. See you on Playday. I take it you guys are staying with Orange.
Hey daniel thats a GOOD ONE rubbing off, I'll have to tell steve that one.See ya'll play day,I'm one of steves wrench's.
Sorry, but from what I was told its NOT ORANGE its ROCKET RED !!!
The (ORANGE) is no where close to ADLER'S orange color. Much BRIGHTER!!!
GO STEVE !!!! #8
D I miss the green!!!! But that's ok, I'll always be a shorty fan! :D
Only two more weeks to pevely!!! I'll see ya guys soon. This is Don by the way. Take care ya all!!!!!!!
