Summer Job


Sorry guys, i know this is a bit off topic. Just looking for a summer job for a sixteen year old. Anyone know of any openings anywhere? Thanks for the help! :D
hey what are you looking to do do you have mechanical abilities i might be looking for some help in a lawnmower shop let me know
I worked at Autotire and can do about anything...Small engine..psst..walk in the park..Where is your lawnmower shop?
ctopsshop1 said:
hey what are you looking to do do you have mechanical abilities i might be looking for some help in a lawnmower shop let me know
Yah my dad and uncle used to run a machine shop, and i mess with 5hp briggs quite a bit for gokarts. Where you located?
Too far...

Sorry, but where i'm located now, Brentwood is a little to far of a drive. Thanks for taking the time to offer some help! Anyone else?
