Taking I-55 From An A- to an A+


Well-Known Member
It is a great privilege to have a track like Pevely so close to home...
Lil' Eldora puts on awesome shows week after week.

But it just seems unfortunate with all the resources the place has, that they can't put a very modest scoreboard in the infield to give lap times.

Mike is one of, if not the best announcers in the biz. When the big shows come to town, he clrealy states whos dirving, where he's from, and where the car runs normally. (one announcer at another track would say, "out on the track now, the blue 52." not a whole lot of info. there that you can't see for yourself) Mike's great, but depending on where you sit...you can't hear the announced lap times. And in the big shows, quals are a big deal.

Anyway, I-55 is the best in the area and an A- in my book, just puttin' in my wish for a scorebaord for lap times during quals. :)
