Talker Guy on KTRS "The Big 550"

Speed Racer

aka "mach5driver"
Hey Mike,

Great job on the call in today, that was pretty good.

Long live the trophy girl thread.


PS - I am "AM in the PM" also.
I have dropped WoO tickets off for Karen Vale a couple of times but she never showed. This summer Terry and his wife came down to I-55. It was the first time in ten years since he'd been at a racetrack and he walked right into Shop n Save/WIL Night.
Apparently he wasn't thrilled about it and said so on the radio. So, I called an offered to have a special guest night just for him which included priority outdoor seating, recognition at intermission, a free complimentary beverage, half-off or two- for- one on food items, and his picture with our trophy girls.

He really liked the races but he had some issues having to listen to the WIL stuff which ran pretty much all night. Must be a radio thing.

We'll see if he takes me up on it.

Hey Mike,
You are trying and that is a good thing. I would like to meet those people as I listen everyday to them.
Did you know that your phone was in a bad cell at the time?

A couple of years ago I was looking for help promoting a charity event that we are involved in every year (The Bowl-a-RAMa) I contacted the majority of the radio stations in the St. Louis area and was given every reason in the book why they could not help out. KTRS not only agreed to mention the event on the air, but the morning show called me at home and interviewed me on the air about the event. It wasn't just a 15 second deal, they really talked it up and really helped us out. That in my opinion showed what kind of people are involved with the station. I really thought they were a class act.
Not that it pertains to the subject of this post, but I thought everyone should know what decent people they are at the station.
Priority outdoor seating, huh?

Guess that means that you want them to sit with me , especially during Jimmy's races? That's always a treat! Sure, I can help you out, Mike. Just let me know how many seats I have to save for them.

Anytime I can help out "the Talker Guy", it's no problem! Maybe I can even get Chip to keep the ice cream stand open for them? I have such power at I-55!!!!

Happy New Year everyone! How many days 'til racin' season starts? :)

Maybe he would like to come over to BV for the midget races. I could probably arrange for him to watch a couple heats from the judges stand. That should curl his hair. Will miss you at the Banquet of Champions this year. All kidding aside. llet me know how we can get some promo for the BV Gateway Series. Happy New year to you and Tina. Wanda
