Terry Phillips From GRT To Bloomquist Cars?


A family member has posted that Terry now has 2 Bloomquist cars.....
True. I was confirming that it was done and wasn't sure if many people from St. Louis knew about it.
If he was smart.......He would've got a Moyer M1 since he has alittle more help in his area with one of those chassis'! The only person close to him with one is Erb and they dont race very often and he looks like crap in one. I guess Reddick is close now, but they dont race together often either. Doesnt seem like a good move to me! JMO!
I'm sure all of that was considered ahead of the purchase. Having no future plans set in stone who's to say where or what series he might run next year? We all might be very surprised.
I think he is a very good fit for the either the Moyer/Victory Circle or Bloomquist. Phillips is a very smooth driver and great in the slick.
