Texas Hold'em Tournament $1000 to Win! Sunday November 6th, 2011 Hosted by the St. Louis Auto Racing

I have no guarantees, but alot of interest from the local poker community, through my contacts, and I'm sure word will spread. I will be there, and will give it my best shot. I could definately use the cash.
Just wanted to say that a handful of players ruined my experience for this event. Players always need to be aware of what is going on on the table, especially when you are in the hand. If you muck your cards because you didn't know I was in the hand, even though my cards are in plain view, that's on you.

And also, if a player asks for a chip count, you are required to give it to them, instead of telling them you're not going to move your chips.
Thanks to everyone who made it to the 1st Texas Hold'em tournament! Joan Alley outwitted the men and took home the cool cash!

We learned alot and look forward to the next one!
I was hoping to see more racers there. it was fun can't wait to do it again. and moonflow i hope it wasnt me cause i didn't care if i knew the game or not it was for fun and for donation. but I am getting the hang of it now so watch out. LOL thanks Donnie and Jeff it was fun..:)
The final eight players..........each winning a Hoosier Racing jacket..............were:

1. Joan Alen
2. Josh Demaretti
3. Bob Marty
4. Scott Beaty
5. Brett Bennett
6. John Clymer
7. Tim Wolk
8. Bill Compton
The Fan Club Thanks everyone that came out and supported our fund raise !!! All proceeds went to the 2012 Banquit of Champions........................Tickets are for sale and ANYBODY CAN COME !!! You don`t know who might be there... This Banquet is to honor our local Champions in one room .....Fans are welcome to come and its encourage to DO SO !!!

Thank you All
Michael McGinnitey
President SLARFC
