Thank you Helms Racing, Conner Motorsports, Brad Almond, Dillon Sharp, Tyler & everyone else who hel

F5 Racer Fan

Go, Speedracer, Go-o-o-o!
The F5 Motorsports Team would like to say thank you to everyone who helped, lent parts and worked so hard to try to repair the F5 modified of Chris Fisher tonight. Alot of people were right there behind us busting their butts trying to get the car fixed so Chris could make it to the semi. Everything everyone did is greatly appreciated! Thank you again for helping out!!! The St. Louis racing community is truly one of the finest.
The checks in the mail.................LOL:)

A rod or possible engine rebuild, a yoke for the rear end, new U joint for Helms Racing plus one new drive shaft for the F5 and who knows what else.......I'm afraid that check I write to you may bounce after all those expenses so I better not write it! A sincere thanks and a promise to return the favor when needed will have to do for now!
I guess that will do then. Hopefully it won't take long to get Chris back out there.
Nice to see some TRUE sportsmanship still out there and something nice to say. Way to step up guys. like F5 said, This is truly a community of some of the finest racers and fans around. Everyone have a great Memorial Day Weekend!!!
