The spin that started it all

Thank you for this video, it clears up a lot of doubt I was having that Moon got pis't for no reason.......And who said Moon was off the bars break checking is full of crap !
I have a pretty non biased opinion about both of these guys. But moon could have just as easily ended up on his roof, and it would have been in Racing conditions. Both were in the wrong there. But everyone that threw a punch should have assault files charged against them, pretty easy to identify them with video. People shouldn't ever be allowed on the track!!!!! I think officials or possibly going as far as fair board and closing a place down could happen if serious injuries occurred. The mob scene that night would have been way more violent if moon had gotten out of his car. People should be charged just to send the message to all involved or responsible for safety of all competitors.
Looks like Kreke dumped Moon. Kreke should have been sent to the rear. It's been posted that the officials had signaled him to the rear.
I don't know what Belle Clair's policy is on sending cars involved in a caution to the rear. Some send everyone involved to the back, some just send the guy at fault to the back. So if they sent Moon to the back IMO Moon should have been upset with the officials not Kreke.
Yes there were people on the track that shouldn't have been. Looks like the officials did the best they could under the circumstances. What do you think would have happened if the officials would have really gotten physical trying to remove everyone from the track?
The one thing they should have done is have Moon shut his car off.
I saw allot of pointing, a little pushing and shoving and Kreke getting pulled away by an official. I didn't see any punches thrown in the video.
BC should give Kreke a week off for his crew's actions. If any of them actually threw a punch UMP should park them for 2 weeks. UMP should park Moon for a year. The guy clearly doesn't have his head screwed on straight. doubt and I agree 100% it should of not gotten to that point and it should of been handled correctly when the spin out happened. Officials are to blame as well

Had nothing to do with the officials. They had already made the call for us to go to the rear. Moon turned us over as soon as his car was back under power. Up til then it was just a normal racing spin.
You people remind me of Obama. Let's blame everyone but the guy who really did it. Last I saw Jim Moon was the only guy in his race car when he rammed and rolled us! As I said earlier we took actions that we saw fit at the time and are responsible for those and ready to serve out our penalty.
This mob scene was started by the horrible call the officials made and just kept getting worse from their . Moons bin raced at Belleville for two years now . You'd think he would of gotten use to these kind of calls by now. One thing a driver has to have to make it at Belleville is a restrained temper .
What happened on the start if you will watch moons tires he started to push let off the gas and Brent got into him and turned him just like any driver out there would have done. It has happened to me but I never put a drivers life in danger I went over and had a discussion with the driver after the race but if this had happen to me they would still be holding me back.
So mudface what you are saying is Moonman is justied by ramming and ROLLING Brent Kreke over????????
Please scroll up and reread ALL post slowly letting it all soak in.....Never once did you you read " I approved of Kreke's car getting flipped" But what you will read upon rereading it is that I infact said ....No, No doubt it should of gotten to that point.....point=Flipping Kreke over. Plus I'm not stupid, I can look at a video and make any decision I see fit...I see Kreke spinning Moon and Kreke should of been the only one going to the rear and with that said i'm sure things would of ended up differently. I'm not for or against either of these Driver's but right is right and wrong is wrong and both did wrong but if the first wrong didnt happen dont ya think the second one wouldnt have either ? So with that said yes the officials did do wrong as well, They should of never sent moon to the rear...if not things would of turned out for the better, sorry but thats just the way it is.
We were wandering what you were doing during all of this....LOL Do you remember back just a few years ago, a guy that retaliated that one night?​
And who said Moon was off the bars break checking is full of crap !

You can hardly see Moons car once it passes the gap so I don't know how you can come to this conclusion. Even if you had a full view, being up on the bars doesn't necessarily mean he was on the gas. I'm pretty sure he runs a hold up shock on the left rear or he could have been trail braking...who knows.

Whatever the case, what the video doesn't show is Moon stacking up the 13 and 6K on the prior re-starts. I couldn't tell you if it was an intentional brake check or burping the gas because of a push, but I can tell you, without any doubt, he was off the gas on each of those re-starts. I think Kreke's intention was to push him out of the way to avoid getting spun himself moreso than to intentionally dump him.
King said it as I see it in the video. If Kreme backed off there would be a train wreck starred with cars ping into each other. Tight tracks that happens and drivers know this. Split second decision to brake or not makes that a tough call. King is right too. Since he has the set up moon runs doesn't alway put it up like on the bars
For all of you who say moon got screwed. I believe the Belleville rule is that both cars involved go to the back. Just like with Martin and Voigt last week. As long as your consistent that works as good as anything.
Trace, moon intentionally tried to hurt my son and destroy our car. I will react the same every time this happens. You holier than thou types can keep judging us. Until you have had it happen to you - you have no ideas how it feels or how you will react. I will always fight for my family and friends.

Also, probably 6-8 of those guys are my pitcrew. There were other pit crew members and drivers who wanted a piece of him as well.
Please scroll up and reread ALL post slowly letting it all soak in.....Never once did you you read " I approved of Kreke's car getting flipped" But what you will read upon rereading it is that I infact said ....No, No doubt it should of gotten to that point.....point=Flipping Kreke over. Plus I'm not stupid, I can look at a video and make any decision I see fit...I see Kreke spinning Moon and Kreke should of been the only one going to the rear and with that said i'm sure things would of ended up differently. I'm not for or against either of these Driver's but right is right and wrong is wrong and both did wrong but if the first wrong didnt happen dont ya think the second one wouldnt have either ? So with that said yes the officials did do wrong as well, They should of never sent moon to the rear...if not things would of turned out for the better, sorry but thats just the way it is.
Excellent Post!
To start off with unless you have driven one of these cars you have no idea of what it takes. Moon was lagging back to get a run on hamerman, problem one. Then moon picks up the gas too early and pushes the nose on exit, problem 2. Moon back steps the gas and or trail brakes problem 3 Kreke had a head of steam and couldn't get out of the gas in time and if he did this would have been a 6 to 10 car pile up. It's just how that works on a restart. It was a racing deal. I'm sure it was not intended to spin moon. Running 4 on a bigger paying show is much better than just start money. Now on to what moon did, this was an intensional act to purposely to do harm to another car. Completely different in many ways, one was a racing deal and the other was a act of pure stupidly. I don't blame al and his guys for doing what they did. I prob would have done the same thing. Moon has crossed a line and a message needs to be sent. This will not be tolerated and his poor driving style has been forgiven long enough. I hope allied does the right thing and I'm sure Donnie and his crew will. JMO Corey Ford
