The "ULTIMATE" Racing Car Chassis Setup Guide and Tutorial.


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how to use guide.?
The information in this guide may change without notice. I've tried to make this guide simple to use & easy to understand. By clicking on the contents you will be taken directly to the info your looking for. Throughout this guide I will use the abbreviations RF,RR,LF,LR. These stand for right front, right rear, left front, & left rear respectively. Whenever I bring up the left or side of the car I'm talking about the drivers side. The right side of the car is the passenger side. All left & right references are viewed from the drivers position. By holding your mouse over a setup option for a few seconds in the sim, you will be given a brief description of how that adjustment works or what it affects. Right clicking an option brings up the description right away. One last thing I must mention before turning the wrenches. It is important to understand that for every adjustment you attempt, it may not produce the desired results right away as mentioned below. You may have other chassis adjustments that are not quite right masking the problems your trying to adjust for. Because of this factor, you may not see as drastic a change in your adjustments after just one change. You may have to readjust another chassis component to so call "free" up your original adjustment. If you feel your setup is close, yet seems to be lacking that one minor adjustment, it may be more involved that just adjusting one more component. You may have to "undo" another few adjustments elsewhere then go back to your original adjustment to get it just right. For every action you take, there will be a counteraction that may not appear at first to be in the best interest of your setup. There may be times when you may have to take two steps back to gain one step forward. Because of this, chassis adjustments can become frustrating to figure out. It isn't easy, as many WC teams find out on any given Sunday. Perseverance & patience are required when playing this chassis setup game.

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