To Bob Johnson and everyone at the Doe Run Raceway


New Member
I just want to tell Bob and Mom Johnson and everyone associated with the Doe Run Raceway what a fantastic job you folks have done to the facility. The Doe Run Raceway will always hold a very special place in my heart because of all the fun times I've had there both as a fan, an announcer and car owner. It is my sincere hope that the 2004 racing season is just the start of something even more special for the race fans and racers of this region to enjoy. After all, two of the most important things in my life (the Driver's Seat and the RAMS) actually got it's start at the Doe Run Raceway. In fact Bob has one of the very few prototype copies of the Driver's Seat we put out to test the market to see if there was any interest in such a newspaper. If there is ever anything I can do to help and assist please don't hesitate to contact me.

