Tony Roney wins Powri Midget feature at Duquoin


New Member
Tony Roney wins at Duquoin in the Powri midget feature. Beating a steller field of midgets for his first ever midget feature win. Beating names like Clauson, Darland , Hines, Stratton. This will for sure be a big win for the entire Roney racing team. Congratulations on there BIGGEST win to date.
It's great when good things happen to good people and the Roney's are definately good people. Way to go Tony. I knew it was just a matter time. Take some time and enjoy this win, after all, you will never have another FIRST midget win. Congrats.

Brian #44

Awesome Job Tony, pretty cool to see your name on the scroll of Speed Channel today.


The 4J Camp
