Tri City


If the races get rained out on Friday, whats the possibility of running this Sunday?

Ken Johnson #17
Belle Clair is already on schedule to do that, but Tri-City will have to make that decision.
jpugh, not to be ignorant or anything, but I think Tri-City's track record shows that they really don't care what Belle Clair does.
Tri-City if rained out on Friday will not run on Sunday.

We are going to have practice tomorrow night (Thursday) 6:00pm - 10:00pm
weather permitting.

jpugh, not to be ignorant or anything, but I think Tri-City's track record shows that they really don't care what Belle Clair does.

I am not trying to start anything except stating a fact that has been on their schedule and what has been already put into practice.

Tri-City can do what they like, but it has been already the practice for Belle Clair to reschedule for Sunday.
I am not trying to start anything except stating a fact that has been on their schedule and what has been already put into practice.

Tri-City can do what they like, but it has been already the practice for Belle Clair to reschedule for Sunday.
they said at the rules meeting they would do the same, long befour belleville said they were going to run sundays.not that it matters
And just what would Tri-City run on Sunday, The out of town guys arent going to hang around all weekend and all the top UMP guys would be at Belleville.

I don't think a show of Crates and 4cyls would pay the rent.
I asked Kevin at the rules meeting in front of everyone if he would run Sundays if they TCS was rained out on fri, he said no unless they TCS was rained out a few weeks in a row..Then he might think about it..
Hey Pat, Its been raining since opening night. OOPS !!!! mother nature is holding that up .............. LOL !!! ya get that escort ready yet ?
Hey Mav where have u been hiding,,No car for this year,, If u hear of anyone getting rid of a montie or cutlass let me know Im going to build a new one for later in the year or for next year,from the ground up all NEW!!! take my time and do it right!! snow this sat!!
Been incognito here at home and running up and down the road trying to find work. I got bumped out at work a few weeks ago, so Im on the hunt.
What is with businesses these days...... You cant hardly walk in anywhere anymore and get a job. " Im sorry Sir we do all our job filing online now " How the heck is a guy suppose to get a freaking job if ya gotta talk to a computer !!:mad:
