Trista tested an asphalt late model yesterday and we had a blast!!!!!


Trista did a great job in the asphalt late model. She was invited to Concord Motor Speedway yesterday to test for a driver development team. It was great, she went above and beyond all of my and their expectations. She had the car at 17.09 in the first hour we were at the track. They told me before hand that they wanted her to be in the 17.30's by the end of an 8 hour day! They have invited us back to test again, this time on new tires. Concord is a fast 1/2 mile with a wild dog leg on the back stretch. They tell me they use this track because it weeds out the shorts real quick! When I get back from Florida after the new year I hope to get a press release put together. Bopper
Wow that is awesome Bopper!! Trista's skill level has never been a question in my mind, but what an accomplishment for her! You must have been busting with pride! Just another example of how quarter midgets gives kids the confidence and skills to move up the ladder. There is no doubt in my mind we'll be seeing her race in Nascar someday! Congratulations Trista, keep up the great work! :) :cool:

Dennis and Zach Murphy
I-70 QMA
That is a killer time around Concord. We went over there 3 years ago to run our Nascar Late Model and that is a wild old track! Congrats is in order!!
Trista did a great job in the asphalt late model. She was invited to Concord Motor Speedway yesterday to test for a driver development team. It was great, she went above and beyond all of my and their expectations. She had the car at 17.09 in the first hour we were at the track. They told me before hand that they wanted her to be in the 17.30's by the end of an 8 hour day! They have invited us back to test again, this time on new tires. Concord is a fast 1/2 mile with a wild dog leg on the back stretch. They tell me they use this track because it weeds out the shorts real quick! When I get back from Florida after the new year I hope to get a press release put together. Bopper

Very good!! And impressive. Keeping the car off the wall out there is a challenge so im told. Good luck
Thanks, it was awsome! She got it sideways thru the dog leg once and stood on the loud pedal and pulled out if it (they said only a dirt racer could have done that!) Once coming off of four she got in it to quick and early and looped it down the front straight. Flat spotted 4 tires, changed them and back out again. Bopper
WOW congrats to Trista, Bopper, Gail, and all the gang good luck hope you go along way with this deal, Dave Walker and family.
Should have some pictures on the website tonite and maybe a video of her testing if we can figure out how to get it in there. Go to and check her out in the late model. Probably sometime friday evening. Bopper
We are getting a 10 race deal in Concord N.C. in an asphalt late model. If you check the website you can see pictures of her in it. We also got a crate late to run Tri-city but unless we get fired from this other deal we probably won't race it. Bopper
