ump dirtcar round up@ I55

Jimmy D or Talker Guy, is there a more detailed flyer or information sheet on this event out there anywhere? I've checked the Website but only found the 2010 specials flyer. When you are travelling a bit, you want to have all the times and information you can get a hold of for planning purposes. Thanks.
i am looking forward to the round-up too, I just wish the sportsman class had a 'round-up' set of rules. The way it is now it is just like a regular extreme race, it is pretty much impossible for northern illinois or indiana cars to change SO much stuff to come to a weekend race.
I think we might want to think positive on the weather after we have had one of the worst winter's in years. Think good thoughts and maybe we will get the weather we all need for this to happen.
yeah youur right march 2nd it will be 75 degrees in the shade and not a cloud in the sky until Oct 29 th 2010 lmfao
I hope the weather is wonderful and there is some AWESOME RACING for everyone ! :) Keeping my fingers crossed !
why is everyone getting so shook up over what dirthound says anyway?

I'm still waiting for that "bumpy ride" were all supposed to be holding on to our butts for.
