. If thats the case im not sure why i have to buy a ump license to run track rules.

I know of some guys thats ran all year and didnt buy a membership and they ran ump sanctioned tracks. The only track that asked to see mine all year was tri city. So i guess ump really didnt care in the lower classes if you had one or not. Hopefully all you b-mod guys get a set of rules soon so youll know how to set up your cars for next season.
I saw they were allowing that this weekend at Cruces as well. But this is the first time I've ever heard of this other than a couple joint imca/usra nights up north. I will say USRA is 100 times more consistent than UMP and they actually enforce rules. We've been apart of both at Fulton the past 2 years. In approx 5 years as UMP, I only saw a UMP rep at Callaway once each year, if that, and all they did was check bodies and head on down the road. This year alone, USRA has sent 2-3 of their officials to Callaway more than once, and they checked all kinds of stuff. The a-mod winner was DQ'd for illegal spec heads after header removal following the a-main one night. Another prominent USRA driver up north was DQ'd this season for an illegal tire, another instance was 2 illegal crates discovered earlier this year at Moberly, mid-season at Lakeside, the top 3 in national points were present in the b-mods, 2 had crates and they were sent off to check for legality and came back good, the other had a claim motor and was torn down at the track and found legal. These are just a few of the cases that I know of THIS YEAR that USRA has sent their guys to different tracks to tech everyone. And every time these guys were found illegal, they were fined $1,000+, suspended until the fine was paid, and lost ALL track and national points. This is what tracks need in order to keep classes strong.

Tech is about money more than anything else for the sanction. The list you quote above, it must have cost at least $500 or more to do just one night of that.

2-3 tech guys from USRA--well, , most folks won't work for free, and if they do, not for long and you get what you pay for. So let's assume $100 each for one night of officiating, and that might be on the low side. $300

Travel, food and possibly hotel? Depends on how far they drove, but a hotel is going to cost something even if all three stay in one room. Gas/Food/Lodging at least $150.00

Pulling engines and sending them off for tear down? Ok, sounds great, but how much is shipping, paying someone to tear them down and spec them, send them back to the owner and pay for rebuild if it's legal? I have no idea. Make up a number, but it has to cost something to do all that for two engines. My guess is at least $250 to ship/tear down/rebuild each engine, which is way below what it probably cost, so lets toss another $500 on the pile.

Just those costs alone add up to $1000.00. My guess is it cost a lot more than that, just to go to one track, one night and pull 2 engines and tear them down, rebuild them and ship them back to the owners.

Sure, wouldn't it be great if every night at every track this is the level of technical inspection that was performed. Racers everywhere would rejoice. But realistically, this isn't going to happen because sanctions and tracks need to make money to stay open, and tech at the level most racers would like to see to keep the players in the game in check is too cost prohibitive.

So the only answer is come up with a very very simple solution that requires little manpower to operate and enforce. That was the theory behind crates in Late Models, a sealed engine straight from a manufacturer that was not to be messed with. And that worked, for all of 2 weeks, until some bright spark somewhere said hey, "let's allow rebuilds!" and then it all went straight downhill from there.

I don't know what the answer is. But the facts are that doing tech at most tracks requires manpower and money, something which is in short supply everywhere these days. So a simple, cost effective package of rules that is easy to inspect and enforce with minimal oversight is probably the best anyone can offer, and there will still be cheaters and people who think it's too lax no matter what.
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I talked to sam yesterday he was in florida on vacation so i guess you know where your extra money is at. He told me ump was not going to have a set of rules for the bmods in 2015 but when they decide to it will be a 3 year transition to 100% crate engines. If thats the case im not sure why i have to buy a ump license to run track rules. Has anyone heard when tri city is having their rules meeting???

So they will continue to let the tracks do all the work and take all the risk, while they continue to reap the benefits (membership fee's, tire sales, etc.) all on the backs of the racers.

Wow. What a business plan.
I was told the same thing. No mandate on Crates and basically no set rules for 2015 yet have to buy a membership
I am a member of a union--the shadetree international ass. of mechanics local 69---our motto--"if we cant fix it ya might as well throw it away"-------------------------------------------
This post was mislabeled needs to be directed to track owners and promoters up to them to see the writing on the wall most are tired of paying membership fee for nothing more than a hard card and stickers we need are promoters to go to there promoters workshop and let ump know we are done with being held hostage to buy a license in the lower divisions when we don't have a unified set of rules
This post was mislabeled needs to be directed to track owners and promoters up to them to see the writing on the wall most are tired of paying membership fee for nothing more than a hard card and stickers we need are promoters to go to there promoters workshop and let ump know we are done with being held hostage to buy a license in the lower divisions when we don't have a unified set of rules
That is a very true statment you are 100% correct nothing will change until the tracks stand up
Allied and SARA did tech "tear down" for years ie limited sportsman class... why is this so hard? Right you get what you pay for so hire some guys from around the area your track is in and im sure it would be worth it. If people think they have a fair chance then i think car counts at tracks would skyrocket...
Since almost all the tracks in the area are running them next year (which is great). Tri-City, Highland, I-55, Fayette County, and Belleville (If they pick up the class) should have the same set of rules and even a points deal.

A few rules I think should be changed: Since more tracks are picking them up, allow quick changes for guys that like to move around a little and already have the gears from years past.

Also change the weight rule. Sure have a different weight rule for crates, but not in the range of 2500-2600. Use the A-Mod weight rule.

Other than that... keep them the same.
if UMP is going to mandate crates for Bmods then we will find another class. what a horrible plan. UMP is clueless, worried about spoilers, when meanwhile you can run D40 tires in IN, and then cross into IL and you better have A's . UMP is a rudderless ship.
I remember a time when we did not have sanctioning bodies and tracks had full pit areas and grandstands. not sure exactly why people seem to think its a have too now. Ump benefits a small percentage of racers. But all racers have to contribute. I really think a smart promoter can succeed without them. Multiple promoters working together definitely could.
PRomoters need to take a hard look at USRA, even with there faults they are light years better than UMP. For one thing USRA has rules out WAY in advance of the season, they run one tire which is cheaper and harder. same tire in mods period, no BS, A 40, D40 depending on what state you are in. They hire tech people and while again they are far from perfect its huge improvement over UMP that does nada for cash we pay out.UMP has jumped in now in IN and starting taking over the IMOD;s yet another version of the B mods with regional rules, I predict in short order that UMP will take this over and screw it up. If B mods are gonna crates as mandate then you may as well push for IMCA A mods where crates are getting spoiler and weight breaks and run with them, at least they will tech more than body panels and give you something for your money and you can run a QC.
Promoters please open your eyes !!! UMP is no longer a valid sanction and is providing little or bad leadership and they are no helping racers anymore or you ! The days of Bob Memmer are gone its time to move on.

BTW at least two tracks in IL and IN were advertising that no UMP lisc was required please come on over, same as others wondered why we bought one at that point.
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Seriously we should all get together at tricity meeting and tell Kevin we will not pay ump membership. What in the hell has UMP done for bmods? Kevin himself has done more for the class.
Some promoters I know that run IMCA are saying that IMCA is leaning to going crate only in their SportMods as well some point down the road.