Vintage Photo Of The Month

Check out the new Vintage Photo Of The Month at

This one goes back to the early 60's. He is still a currant driver today. He's a little younger looking in this photo and don't let the car's number fool you ;)

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Still looking for old racing photos! You can submit them yourself once you join or email them to:

Valerie White :D
Entirely to easy!!!!
Me thinks this cat has won a few features in his career.
Most using FORD power to blast by those Chevies!!!! LOL
I do beleive he also likes adult beverage after the races and has been know to lead others (famous racers) to the same habit. Havin fun, that is!!!
If you make it down to his house , you may have to sample some of his ho-made Missouri wine .
Some racers I have met in the past have left his shop feeling pretty dang good about themselves. Of course I have never personally been there and all this is informatiion is pure speculation on my part .
A pretty DANDY racer in anyones book.
That really captures the early modified era. Any chance of adding this to Don's fleet of restored cars? I noticed the 3 dots are not above the number on this car. When did the dots make their first appearance?
Here's what we know of the story:
According to the article in the November 1981 issue of Stock Car Racing Magazine titled "400 Features...Running On Sweat", the article states that in 1963, a new superstitous custom began. Bob Miller, a windy, mischievous sign painter from Festus, MO, lettered Don's car. For fun, he painted three large white dots on each door just below the window openings, and told Don what they meant. People have been guessing ever since. At first, people thought that because Don had just joined AARA, the three dots meant that he would win the championship in three years. Fourteen Championships later, the dots are still there. For a while, people believed they were for Don's three sons. Then came Billy. But the dots remained three. Some people believe that they are a religious symbol representing the Trinity. Leo Kiefer, one of Don's St. Gen friends, did some library research and found that part of the imagery means King. Only Don and Bob Miller know for sure. But Don feels that if anyone guesses the meaning correctly, his magic spell will be broken.
This was taken from the 1981 article. Did anyone ever find out? Who knows. I say, let the mystery remain. He still IS the King!
For those who may be interested... Gateway Vintage is now on Facebook. I'll be playing race reporter for the group...posting photos, updates, and behind the scenes tidbits LIVE from the track each week! You never know who or what you'll get to see each week, so become a fan of our page and keep up with the excitement!

Also make sure you check out the page "Southeast Missouri Dirt Track Racing"! It has lots of old photos from the area dirt tracks...
great site,,watch the old movie from lake hill,,,it remindes me of the first race i saw there in 1965,me and my pal snuck in by climbing over the railroad tracks,,we sat in turn 3,,in one of the first races a bright orange 56 chevy did a end over end flip,,i told my pal that looked like great fun and i would be out there befor the season ended,,I WAS
I asked Don last year and he still wouldn't give it up. I had a terrible season, so I am never asking again.....LOL.

