Way Cooooooool !!!!!!!!!


Check out what this flight crew did to their bird in Afganastan, Bet that freaks the locals out !!!!!!!!!!!!
Except its not real. It looks like a photoshop job to me, the rotor blade shadows give it away. Why are the rotor blade shadows so distinct and deep on the chopper, but there are absolutely no shadows anywhere else? Lighting effects are very difficult to get right when doing photoshop stuff. Also, the tail number on the rotor housing, doesnt look like any real tail number the military uses at all.

I dont believe the military would allow such a deviation from the set paint schemes, anyway. Believe it or not, there has been a lot of research into the paint schemes on those things to give them the best chance of survival, low visibility schemes to keep them out of sight as much as possible while they do their work.

Cool idea though, would certainly scare me if I were an Afghan rebel.
with all do respect t.nie..the paint scheme is very real and approved by the military. My brother is over there and mentioned it to me in a letter. Glad to see a picture of it.

I dont buy it. With all due respect.

*and funnily enough, a little bit of searching reveals that this particular helicopter is actually a Russian Mi24. So please tell me why the US military is now apparently flying Russian helicopters? In your favor, though, I actually did come across one considerably more convincing photograph of the paint scheme.*
Ok, one last thing here. For the record. The paint job is real, the rest of the story is BS. It was a promotional scheme for air shows, most likely, and it is not a US bird in Afghanistan. Heres a link, read for yourselves. God, I just love the internet!


enjoy. But, it goes back to the dead giveaway shadows on the rotor blades. The shot was most likely taken at the air show, and then photoshopped to look like it was sitting in a field in Afghanistan. I know photoshop stuff when I see it.
