Way to go Jason "Captain" Crump!!!

F5 Racer

Looking for a ride!
I can't believe nobody hasn't said anything about Captain Crump's 24th to 12th finish. Awesome job dude! All the hard work was totally worth it!
Good job Crump. Do it again this week!!! And if ya need help this week just call me.
Fisher "Captian Crump" Is better than "Forest Crump" or "Crump-Zilla" (we will wait until I pass King Kong Korte for that one) But... Im not sure I get a say in the nickname, so you can call me whatever you want!

Thanks everyone. It was fun and definitely a lot of hard work after I tried to knock down the wall at Belle-ville. Note to self when something doesn't feel right just pull off and save it for another day. I learned this lesson the hard way!

I would really like to thank the individuals who have been helping me out.

First of all The Fishers, you guys saved my *****. I wouldn't have finished the car for Pevely if you guys wouldn't have showed up at the house ready to work. You have no idea what that means to me. Also I cant forget Nick from JW Auto Specialties (again I couldn't make this happen without you, Brad Almond Jr., Big Ron Lyons, Tom Rorabacher and the Conner's. You guys are awesome! And thank you for standing by me when everyone is just waiting for me to fail. I cant wait until I get all the bugs worked out of this thing. Sorry for the juicy talk but a 12th place feels like a win.

Jason, I will be back in town on Friday, just call if you need help and you know I will there. I also know that when we get back in action we can always count on you when needed, thats what friends are for!!
