West vs East


New Member
I talked to Jeff Sieg the other night and we came up with the idea of a West vs East race on October 13th. We talked about 2 classes,one for bikes and one for cars. Both classes would be et. So their racers against ours. This could turn into somthing bigger next year. the calss may only be for bragging rights this year I will see what i can come up with if there is interest in doing this.I know this is a last minute deal but I think it could be fun.Plus there are other classes to race in as well.I think it is a verry nice track for cars.The bike from what I heard run a little faster at brsd because the dirt is sodeep and thick. The track at thundervalley HOOKS HARD!!!! If this sounds like somthing the Brsd racers would like to try then lets do it.Please post all your comments and tell me what you think.I know this is last minute but lets give it a shot!!!! check their website www.thundervalleysanddrags.com or contact me at 573-431-7291.

Thanks again,
Andrew Burcham
Resurrection #655
Turn to the East and Say HELLO!!!

Well, in my practically worthless humble opinion, Andrew, I think it's a great idea.

I've always wondered why there has never been a connection between track owners at Thunder Valley and BRSD. I'm not faulting the owners for anything (for once on here), but I've always thought it'd be neat to do an ASRO/MSRA style race like we did in the 90's, with the track that's closest to us.

I'm thinking a roadtrip to KC to watch some good old fashioned sand drag racing sounds like a great idea! :eek:

Well I did not make it to Thundervalley this past weekend. I think they may have got rained out.Either way I could not race because I sold my car.Maybe we could plan somthing for next year.From the chatter from up there most of the cars are done for the year.Anyways see you all later.
Yes Thundervalley Sanddrags was hit with several inches of rain over the weekend,as we are trying to bring our points season to an end mother nature is working against us.The owners are going to try for Oct 21st to close the season but from the looks of the forecast and the rain we had over night into Monday morning I dont see it being possible.Looks to me we will all have to sit back and watch the california guys and gals finish there season.If anyone is interested Atoka Oklahoma is having a race the 2nd weekend of November if you have never been there it is a great track with great people, well worth the drive.And if you are really needing a big fix for racing head on out to Primm Nevada and race with the big boys its the most fun you can have its atleast a 5 day event, again along haul but where it.
