What does everyone think?


Will SFCR race tomorrow night or not??? The Farmington area got POUNDED with about 4" of rain on Thursday. That alone may have been enough rain to force them to cancel tomorrow night. Plus, according to weather.com, there is a chance of rain showers off and on all day on Saturday. Add to that the fact that it is going to be SO COLD that there is a possibility of snow showers tomorrow evening (also according to weather.com), I just don't know if we'll get opening night in this week or not. What do YOU think?
Ha ha ha....

LOL...your magic 8 ball has an inside source though.
Thanks for letting us know as quick as possible.
I honestly didn't think opening night would be a go.
I know they wanted to really bad, but you were right on with all your thoughts. The cold weather coming in and the fact that they have some DEEP ruts from the rain in the pits and the road coming into the complex, just proved too much to over come to get it back ready for racing.

See everyone the 19th!!!

As much as I hate it that we're NOT gonna race tomorrow night, it is understandable with as much rain as we've had. Unfortunately, weather.com doesn't give me much hope for next Saturday either. I'm gonna do my best to remain positive!!! Hope to see everyone soon!
I know, I know..............Kat, PLEASE find me a new weather site. I'm in desperate need!!!!!!!!! LOL!
I love racing,but this was one good call on our track's part.From what I've heard,Benton should have done the same thing.
Yes, Benton should have!!! I am just glad no one got hurt in the accident and I hope that the track officials down there learn from the experience and send their people for proper safety training so nothing like that happens again. Tim could have been seriously injured with that stunt.

I also think that MASS should make an effort if they are going to run shows at these smaller venues to either bring in their own safety crew that know how to handle an accident or make sure the track crew is trained in it.

And while I am on the subject, WHO would use a box blade on the track and scrape it off and leave the 8 to 10" high rolls of mud on the track. AJ Burns is one lucky fella when he hit those that he didn't end up in an accident.
After the accident I didn't go back track side not sure who won the sprints, I heard I thought Worley did, but not 100% sure about that.

25 Sprints I heard at one time might have ended up with 26, 11 pure streets and I never heard on the modifieds.

Worley did a slide job on Danny Smith in 3 & 4, but Danny was able to cut back under him and beat him to the line for the win. The last lap was the best lap all night.
The race was shorted by 10 laps, Tommy or Danny did not know the race was only 20 laps. I thought the radios was for the drivers to know what was going on.
I believe the reason Tim's car got turned over because they thought it was on fire. The track does need to improve on the safety issues for the drivers sake.
the feature went like this
Smith, Worley, Brunns, Hurley not for sure the rest
good show at the end!
I think there was 16 mods, Billy smith won the mods. Why in the world would they think his car was on fire? all the smoke was from his tire spinning from the throttle being wide open.
They race was and hour and a half long, they said they was getting close to thier time limit, so they shortened it and they also shortened the mod feature also.
An hour and a half for 20 laps of sprints?? I'd say it was getting close to someones time limit. Thanks for the info JSutton, and congrats to Billy Smith. Glad I stayed home!
An hour and a half for 20 laps of sprints?? I'd say it was getting close to someones time limit. Thanks for the info JSutton, and congrats to Billy Smith. Glad I stayed home!

Stayed home?I thought you and your better half was racing grocery carts at Wal Mart last night!
