Who won?

Russell: Sorry but that's not gonna cut it bro. You're gonna have to give up your seat for a night or two. lol! No but seriously, it's cool. A body hammer and some bondo this winter and she'll at least LOOK fast next year.

Tweaked: Is Nate really gonna reskin his car? If so see if he'll let me design the paint scheme for next season. I'd be stoked.

Racing*ssAppears: Look, this site is awesome. There is no way information regarding the local racing scene would be readily accessible w/out it. You fall into the very small percentage of morons who get on here with nothing to say but bullsh*t. I respond because like most people I don't take it too well when I'm unjustly insulted. Even if it is by a complete candy*ss who hides behind a screenname. Keep it up man. I hope you feel it was worth it.
woody we are gunna build a new piece for next year everything brand new. hopefully it runs as good or even better than this year and it stays straighter.lol but yeah about the paint scheme that would be sweet and all but thats like the only say his dad has in the design is the paint aspect and well like he takes great pride in doing it and he hasnt failed us yet but there is a possibility of you drawin something up and him making the transfer to the car to actual paint i dont know how this is gunna fly but ill let nate know next time i see him ill probably see him tomarrow night. looking to have some red in the mix next year.
Yeah yeah. His dad does a sweet job with the paint. I just meant I would be proud to come up with the design and then his old man could do the paint and decals. Let me know.
dude dont worry we'll get you involved some how i just got word over the great services of AIM that there is a rumor of us having 2 cars possibly maybe you can do one and he do one or you help with the one we have w/e the plan is ill holla at nate and have him give ya a shout on wut the plan is if we dont talk to ya before then we'll be at granite on the 29th fo sho.

The Thrill
racing as aspears is probably one of those mousey lookin kids that hang out with shaw. wich one is hard to tell, there all kinda screwy.
umm how was the 6 bouncing off of everybody he started front row? i have nothing agaisnt the eilers yes i no robbie is a clean driver i said i didnt no if it was on purpose or not...so u need to be able to read
