World Series Bet Over!

7H racing

7 Sportsman
Just a update to the bet made between "04 Tobin" and "7H racing" 7 taking the Cardinals and 04 taking the tigers. Well you know how it ended, but to put everyone at ease Ben payed in full. Thanks Ben and i'll give you a rematch next October, unless who have a favorite for the Superbowl. lol. Scott
Gee Ben that was a tough one. You sure you dont want to think about that? Maybe you could get Justin involved so when he looses he can just pay with Kart parts. lol Scott
You ain't drag'n me into your bets. :D I don't have any money. But I do have some good karting stuff for sale. Let me know what you need. We have some excellent wheels and tires and two good motors.

We decided to go with Kevin Musgrave. He builds awesome power, he's easy to deal with, and I can drive to his shop in an hour. He's also at the track every week to help out. It just makes things easier for us. If your interested in the Scott Motors I'll sell them both for $1,100. The one motor is only 4 nights old.

If he did or didnt buy them new, Justin sells no junk. Ive been to his house and made purchases with him before. All top of the line stuff. Scott
We have 1 motor (with the red cover) built brand new by Scott. It has 4 nights on it. We noticed a problem with the block so we sent it back and he fixed it. That's why it only has 4 nights on it now. We ran it 4 times and then bolted on a Musgrave engine.

We also have 1 motor (with a black cover) rebuilt by Scott which was originally a Rozycke engine. It is a blueprinted Scott motor now. All parts are brand new from Scott. It only has about 10 nights on it.

Both these motors have won features at Bedrock. Thanks for the kind words Scott and Toby. We always take the best care of everything we have and these are good engines.

Your the man....Yeah it took about two weeks into the season to see that was going to happen..I dont care who it was anyone but the Patriots, god im sick of hearing about that team...
