WOW.... I think I foresee some really cool changes coming to the RAMS and Point Serie


New Member
I had a conversation with a key member of the RAMS association last night and afterwards I had all kinds of ideas floating in my mind about ways to improve and change the current RAMS Points Series. Even though I can't really say anything yet because nothing is any where near final, I can tell you that if this works it would really change the way we look at things currently. I'm going to start working on this today in a big way so it can be done, hopefully approved by the membership, and in place so everyone can make proper plans for 2005.
as an interested bystander, it would seem to me first priority would be fix whatever is happening within your group that is causing all the unhappiness and discontent. for such a small group ; 13 or so cars at your best races, there should be a concentrated effort to get car counts up. the way to do that is have a group with a reputation for being a lot of fun to come run,and the internal bickering kept to a minimum. no group is perfect; and nobody expects just seems to me that this racing thing should be fun,and politics and favoritism should be left out. i'm not bashing the rams group. i really like the concept. i just don't see how it would be real 'enticing' for a new person to build and run a car to play with you guys. any group always needs a steady influx of new people. thanks.
You are correct Midgetracer , the Rams members were a lot tighter as members and as a "family" before , I personally think a lot of the closeness of the Rams was due to the fact they could all communicate on this message board at all times , even while at work , so that kept the communication open to all the members. But now things are different.
And I do believe the internal bickering and scattering of the Rams members is also due to the fact that some strange and confused members of this board have gotten on here day after day after day saying the same old boring thing over and over, GEEEEZZE come on, I mean if it were Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt on here I would be interested in their love life , But not ............Come on I'm trying to eat my breakfast when I read this forum

STEP 1 Clean up the forum and they will come back !!!!

WE GET IT said:
You are correct Midgetracer , the Rams members were a lot tighter as members and as a "family" before , I personally think a lot of the closeness of the Rams was due to the fact they could all communicate on this message board at all times , even while at work , so that kept the communication open to all the members. But now things are different.
And I do believe the internal bickering and scattering of the Rams members is also due to the fact that some strange and confused members of this board have gotten on here day after day after day saying the same old boring thing over and over, GEEEEZZE come on, I mean if it were Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt on here I would be interested in their love life , But not ............Come on I'm trying to eat my breakfast when I read this forum

STEP 1 Clean up the forum and they will come back !!!!

GET A LIFE OF YOUR OWN.I see your wife wouldn't let you keep the life you ordered on E-bay..
you really need to see your shrink & see if he can figure a way to
salvage the life you once had, then you wouldn't have to devote the
little free time you have to worring about my love life.

I think Art was refering to the hate & discontent & not my love life.
He, like everyone else (except you) has other things to concern
themselves with..

One more thing, if you don't like it, don't click on it..
Simple enough?
Bob , Now you just getting the wrong idea , I do find you to be a charming and attractive man , with a very caring personality for others , and a funny man that makes me laugh at times with all you episodes and comics . :)

I just want to see the Rams Family get back together like we all used to be . I miss everyone !! :)
Who Is That Getting Bob All In A Tissy???

WE GET IT said:
Bob , Now you just getting the wrong idea , I do find you to be a charming and attractive man , with a very caring personality for others , and a funny man that makes me laugh at times with all you episodes and comics . :)

I just want to see the Rams Family get back together like we all used to be . I miss everyone !! :)

guys... don't get me wrong here... i am not slamming your group. i see myself someday being a potential competitor. it's just that a small group such as yours, there seems to be a lot of people not working for the same goal. pulling in different directions, so to speak. you guys have meetings often, it seems. so, why is it that nobody knows what's going on? and when somebody posts their concerns on here, the president throws more fuel on the fire with a unprofessional response, therefore dividing the members even more. this is my observation.i may be wrong. but i see in the past, lack of points updated,no treasurers report, etc. not biggies, but collectively it makes someone on the outside balk at putting forth effort and expense to come support you there is a lack of orginization from top to bottom. a little unity and pulling together would be a suggestion to get this ship 'righted'.
Every association and/or organization has it's problems and we are not immune and that includes the MARA Midgets. I was at SEMO a couple of years ago and listened to those people call each other every name in the book, but then they went out on the track and put on a great show. We just need to tighten up a few things here and there and yes, HAVE BETTER COMMUNICATION. And as far as arguing with each other goes, the way I look at it is if that person didn't care about what was going on within the association he or she wouldn't want to argue a point. Take Marty and me. Yeah, I smarted off to Marty after some comments he made, but it sure doesn't mean I don't respect him. I greatly value EVERYTHING Marty has to say. We all just know one another so well for the most part we do react more like a family would react that has been around one another alot instead of people who just met each other who hold their feelings in.
And yes Art, we've probably averaged around 13-14 vehicles at the races well away from the core of the group, but we've averaged 20+ at the RAMS races here in the St. Francois County area. The class is continuing to grow and what we want to do now is make it so more of the mini stock racers can become a part of the association and take advantage of the "series."
Like all associations/organizations, we have a core group that no matter what project is going on is ALWAYS there and then we have some members who are so tied up with family and other activities they can only make certain events. We also have some members who just want to race and not become an "active" member other than racing. We need as many of our members to take part in our non-racing activities as possible, but people are going to do what they are going to do. I really think Smurf hit it right on the head when he said "growing pains." Now in our third year a lot of our origninal members are getting ready to move into other classes, and that's great because that is one of the reasons the class was established. Now we are looking for other people to step into those leadership shoes and that is what I was referring to in my orignal statement. There are some changes coming because of EXPANSION that will necessatate changes being made.
Yes, we joke and kid and poke and play with each other on here probably more than we should, but don't confuse that with decay of the association.
Ok, here it is. I have had some things going on in my life that made the RAMS not such a priority. Some of you may not know what's been going on, but I lost my job in April and during the time since, I've been looking for work (found a job now that I absolutely love), living between 2 places (NOT EASY, by the way!!), looking for a house, buying a house, planning a wedding, playing referee with family and spending as much time with them - especially since they're PAYING for the wedding! This message board has not been a priority even though I had access - I had more important things going on. The bickering just turned me off (even those of my own) - best to just stay away from it. With all the races we've had this year, my calendar got booked up quick on off racing times and instant meetings are/were hard for me to get to - family is most important to me - I won't apologize for that - it's just the way it is with me. I apologize wholeheartedly to the RAMS members if this has caused unease or has caused confustion or anger. That was not my intent and I have been doing what I can to make it right. Some of you may think I did not need to get on here to say all I've said, but I feel I owe it to the MEMBERS. As far as the treasurers reports - there was nothing to report for about 3 months, and I just last night got the last 3 current bank statements, so as soon as I get those all double checked, I'll have them to report.

Art, I think some of your suggestions are great ones and we are all open to constructive criticism. You said that you're interested in becoming a competitor - why not become more involved and become an actual member and maybe even run for office? You may have just what it takes to encourage this association into something huge- you do have a lot of contacts in the racing community. I think the association is ready and in need of fresh blood. I think next year is going to bring a membership turnover and fresh blood and ideas are more than welcome. Thanks for your input!
duck... apparently you need somebody to translate for you... I AM NOT SLAMMING YOUR GROUP!! read my post! apparently what i said must have been somewhat correct because jeff and tracy kinda agreed. so check your ego and attitude at the door, and quit telling me to shut up. when you put the time and effort into your racing career that i have put into mine, then and only then can YOU tell ME to shut up.this was constructive criticism, put in a nice way,and if you can't see that, then you need that translater. no group is perfect,as i said, but a small group needs to pull together more than a larger group does, because each member of a smaller group plays a bigger role. that is all i said. do you understand NOW?????
Hey, simmer down. If you have noticed most of the stuff started on this forum is from people that dont even race with us. unless you have a plan to help out things back off. I am always up to make things better. If you havent noticed, we are growing, now full time at MCS. We are working our tails off to make this a fun sport. so please do us a favor and help us in the areas you feel need work.
I think next year with the RAMS runnin at MCS they should have there points sorta like UMP
Have them get track points along with RAMS series points, and then get RAMS series points when they travel too. I think that would be cool
This was an encouraging post to begin with. BS like this is why I've neglected getting on the board to begin with. No matter what we do as an association, not everyone is giong to be happy - story of life. It's a darned-if-you-do, darned-if-you-don't kind of thing.

I posted what I did because I felt I owed that to the RAMS MEMBERS. I know it's not an excuse as excuses are unacceptable (at least the way I grew up, anyway), but it was a bit of an explanation as to why I've been slacking. Like I said, I apologize for that.

I did, however, know when I was slacking on the points being posted (hard to when you don't have a computer) and came up with a solution.. a couple people approached me about helping me out, I let one of them handle it - PROBLEM SOLVED. That was a couple months ago and things are going smoothly. I LOVE TEAM EFFORT - thanks to Theresa and Duck for your offer of assistance in that matter. I think we have a pretty good system in process now.
Hey bounty hunter, I am working on getting something together to present to the other members that is like what you are saying. I dont want to say anything else until I get all the details worked out on paper.
great idea though!!!LOL
Tracy I am just glad to help out. I know to run things it needs to be a team, Just because you are an officer doesnt mean you dont need help from other non-officers. I am always happy to help out!!!!!
