Zobrist Motorsports Selling Out


Zobrist Motorsports
See the classified section for a list of available parts, there will be more to follow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See the classified section for a list of available parts, there will be more to follow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What does selling out mean? That does not mean he is quiting, but rather get rid of these he does not need. Or does it mean he is quiting?
Chad is not quitting, he is just selling the rig, and the car in order to build a bigger hauler and find a new car.
A bigger hauler!!!:eek: I thought the one he had was nice and big. :rolleyes:

Anyways, glad to hear he is not quiting. He is always fun to watch.

Chad is not quitting, he is just selling the rig, and the car in order to build a bigger hauler and find a new car.

Your first post sounded funny so I thought everyone that is a Chad Zobrist fans want to know what was really happening. Thank for clearing that up. Most people wanted Chad to continue to race.
