$1000 to Win Sportsman-$750 to Win PureStock-$750 to win Pro 4 Stock August 10th @ Belle-Clair AARA

Debbie save two seats, I am gonna try and get there tonight, I will sit by you!
Debbie, Candi would like to invite you sit with her in turn one in the grandstands. She will be prepared for the heat with cold damp wash cloths. Besides, I will find it interesting to see who can handle who.

Brian #44
Debbie, Candi would like to invite you sit with her in turn one in the grandstands. She will be prepared for the heat with cold damp wash cloths. Besides, I will find it interesting to see who can handle who.

Brian #44

Well, Brian, I told my Sister Cities people with the 2 German girls (total of 5) to look for me in the middle of the front straight away, but I thank Candi for wanting to sit with me! I take that as a compliment!!! But I'm sure she'll be able to hear me from turn 1! I'm not too quiet when Jimmy is racing, but sort of quiet other times. I'm assuming most people at Belleville already know this?

Cathy is coming, and Danny and Jennifer, so I'll be bringing my own contingent to the front side, plus the Drews and Hammers, if they come tonight. I have a real following! (heehee)
What? I can't sit on the backside? I don't have a special place on the front side! I won't know where to sit? Why is this? I've never in my life sat on the front side! Is this for real?

I don't know if the people who normally sit on the front straight can handle me? I may be too much for them!
Well Look at it this way Debbie, WE won't have to walk a HALF MILE for a snow cone. Since we are not allowed such luxuries on the backsretch..!!!! I'll Look for ya on the front, save me a Papa a seat. NO kids today..!
Momma D
I am 1 of your 7 kids :) and I MIGHT just MIGHT brave the heat tonight, my dad wants to come---but he can handle the heat..so we will see if i take the pink panties off or not :)
OK, front side, that's...Me = 1, Cathy = 2, Danny & Jennifer = 4, Chapmans & German girls = 9, Drews = 12 or 13, anybody else want to sit with us?
Sure thing, Marvin, the more the merrier. Love to have your company! After Jimmy's first race, everyone will move away from me anyway. :)
Hey Debbie, I may come find you. Just depends if we get super busy with the car! Lets hope we aren`t too busy! Go Jon and Jimmy!
