$250 million MegaMillions??? What to buy next??

Ok...I am bored today...What would you racers and fans do with all this money...I donated my money for tickets today.....let the dreamin begin...lol
I would buy lots of race car parts, and a nice rig.....so I would have a place to be comfy in between races. lol

Then pay off our house and car so we could buy more racing equipment.........
I would buy Calvery City or something and 20 Bob Pierce cars with Mullins motors in them and have my friends down every weekend for private races. I would also buy a trailer full of hoosier tires.
Jimmy Cummins said:
I would buy Calvery City or something and 20 Bob Pierce cars with Mullins motors in them and have my friends down every weekend for private races. I would also buy a trailer full of hoosier tires.

I would spend it on Hooter Girls and Topless Dancers,
and give a million $ to Dirtgirl. (because she said she would give me a hug)
I would donate 1 million to the youth group. Then Hailey wants a mansion, and Gus wants all new toys ! :rolleyes: Then I could quit work, get a maid, a cook, a nanny, a chauffer, and then I can handle the rest :eek: :D
And I would buy BadBob all the Hooter Girls and Toples dancers he can't afford! Because he has the best jokes around! ;)

I just can't imagine.. I could finally afford the gas in my vehicle :) WoW that would be a real nice feeling ! ;)
Thanks Whatever...Yes I know what you mean.....

I would invent and purchase a tarp system for dirt racing...if they can cover football and baseball fields then something can be done for racing???
he said 250 Million Dollars. Is that enough for a tank full? I just filled up today and the price read To Be Continued.
I would have to buy the playboy mansion and make a race track in the back yard and have the girls be the trophy girls!! Plus buy pierces and dirt works and every kind of chasis u can think of and the best motors around. and Have a mansion on wheels!!! wit LOTS & LOTS of parts
I would donate a million to Barns Hospital childerns fund, my son had to go there a few times for differnt things,and they treated us like gold they were great!!I saw a few things there that disturbed me, saw one little boy there in a big room where he slept, there were toys everywhere also there were tv, cameras in eah corner of his room watching his every move, and he had to wear a football helmet 24/7 to protect his head I didnt ask why I just watched him play for a few min and went on my way,,, It was sad real sad,,,,I hate to see little kids suffer, I would donate to them with no problem,, also I would donate a million to wemens brest cancer cure, my x wife had it and it was the most scarry thing we had to deal with, with the kemo,treatments, and radition treatments it really messed her up after the treatments theywere horrable on her body, and body functions, no one should half to go thru that, I would donate to them in a heart beat!!! Then I would buy a 69 z/28 Camaro blown tubbed and caged, a house in Hawaii, with a pool and hottub and get one of those coconut drinks with the umbrella in it!! oh yea a boat too!!
