Being a fan...

10. Real fans don't blow their cigarette smoke in the face of others sitting around them.

I had a lady behind me that kept lighting up and holding it where the smoke kept hitting me straight in the face. I finally got fed up and moved my chairs down the bench a little making sure to let the metal squeal just like the chalkboard as I did it. Not to mention her kids that used me as a hand rail all night long. All 500+ times they left to go to the bathroom or where ever they went. I'm all about kids having fun. I'm all about people being able to smoke where they want to outside. But I'm also about having respect for others, keeping your bad habit to yourself, and keeping your kids hands to themself. My kids wouldn't get away with it. And you won't find me picking my nose and whiping it on someone elses arm! LOL!

Your talking about "White Trash". :p

Sometimes I laugh but also frustrated when I see families that come to the races looking like they don't have enough money to feed themselves. That have a car that looks like a pro 4 or street stock. Their kids look all dirty, even before the races. Both of them smoking a cigarette inside the car with the kids. They both look too young to even have 2 kids. But, there's a but. They both can afford a $22 ticket to get in the races. This car, actually a Astro Van pulled in next to us the night of the MARS race at Pevely. I could not believe my eyes when they opened the sliding side door. There was trash everywhere and the baby in the car seat was filthy. And we watched them walk to the ticket booth. The sad thing is, we are probably paying for that. What I'm saying, is maybe they needed to use the $44 for something more important.
most of the reasons posted are why i havent been to pevely yet this year.
i love the track and i love the racers that participate,im just tired of all
the crud that comes with it. ive been told its better in the backstretch,maybe ill try that. tired of all the folks who act like this is all mine and you are an intruder.and i used to go every week. too many power trips for me anymore. and the bouncers up and down all night really have gotten out of hand. and the dopes who stand,disregarding anyone behind them have really taken the cake and scarfed it down. maybe ill be back,but i just dont know. its cheap entertainment for sure,but the borish behaviour has gotten out of hand,at least last year it did,havent been there this year by choice.
a little respect goes a long way.
1. Real fans show respect and do not talk during the invocation.
2. Real fans either have their hands over their heart or held in front of themselves, and their hat removed during the National Anthem. They do not talk and not remove their hats.

I would say this also applies to the drivers, pit crew and everyone in the pits. I can't tell you how many times I seen people walking around, walking with their hand on their heart, working on the car (sometimes you have to work on your car becuase of time, but checking air pressure when your the 4th race can wait) or just joking around. Everyone in the pits knows the order of events and can take a moment also.
i had to keep my self from flipping outttt! saturday night these girls behind me kept putting their feet on the bleachers behind me! i couldnt even sit back all the way...their feet were rightttt there! and they kept kicking me the whole time! then when the nickel race started and everyone was standing up their dad had the nerve to ask us to move over so he could see! he was to lazy to stand up!
10. Real fans don't blow their cigarette smoke in the face of others sitting around them.

I hear ya Q.

Now before anyone freaks out about the smoking issue, I'm not saying you shouldn't be allowed to smoke at the track, just saying that a little bit of common sense goes a real long way, thats all.
Real Americans

I understand everything you are saying and agree with most of it but here is the way I feel about it. Our Country is based on freedom, if someone doesn't take there hat off during the Anthem or does something else you don't like then deal with it. The people that are yelling at these people and cursing at them are the real Un Americans. I do not remember who said it but it is a great saying, a real American will defend someones right to do or say what they want even if it goes against everything they believe in.
I understand what you're saying. And given that I'll say this.

If people don't like our Anthem, or feel they don't need to cover their heart while they look upon Old Glory while we sing it I'm sure there are plenty of other communist countries that would be more than happy to tell them how to live their lives. Cause we sure don't have a place for them here.

Obviously they have no problem taking the good ole American dollar that the government has absolutely no problem at all handing out to anyone that can get their name on that long list of people who refuse to work. Yet in the same breath they sit back and choose to disrespect the Nation that's feeding their kids or supporting their bad habits by refusing to stand up and be quite or sing along for two minutes.

Now don't get me wrong about welfare and the good things it does for those who indeed need it and use it as it was intended. My comments are to those who make everyone else look bad by abusing the system.

This Nation and it's people (in general) have lost a very important virtue. It's called RESPECT! Parents don't give it therefore it's not learned. Kids don't have it cause they don't know what it is. For the most part the people of this land have become completely helpless. Can't do much of anything without someone holding their hand! I see it everyday in my work.

All we can do it try to instill in our children the good values that once where the rule in this great land. There's still good in the world, it's just hard to see at times. For me respect goes a long way. I give it to everyone I meet. But I'll take it away just as fast as I give it if it's not returned!

I'll get off my soapbox now. Sorry if I offended anyone. But as previously stated, we're a free country and I have that right.
I'm not sure who you are who you are talking about. There is an older guy that I have seen @ Belleville that just sits in his seat, with his hat on during the National Anthem. Several people have talked to him about, even cursed at him. He just sits there, and doesn't move.

He apparently hasn't been given the right persuasion!!! Like a swift kick in the...........
From page 16 of this weeks Sports Illustrated:

"A man was ejected from Yankee Stadium for attempting to leave his seat area to use the restroom during the playing of God Bless America."
Your talking about "White Trash". :p

Sometimes I laugh but also frustrated when I see families that come to the races looking like they don't have enough money to feed themselves. That have a car that looks like a pro 4 or street stock. Their kids look all dirty, even before the races. Both of them smoking a cigarette inside the car with the kids. They both look too young to even have 2 kids. But, there's a but. They both can afford a $22 ticket to get in the races. This car, actually a Astro Van pulled in next to us the night of the MARS race at Pevely. I could not believe my eyes when they opened the sliding side door. There was trash everywhere and the baby in the car seat was filthy. And we watched them walk to the ticket booth. The sad thing is, we are probably paying for that. What I'm saying, is maybe they needed to use the $44 for something more important.

So because someone is poor, and drives a cheap car they shouldnt go to the races. To call kids white trash based on how much money their parents have or what kind of car they drive tells me more about YOU than them.The race track is a pretty affordable night of entertainment for a family of 4. I dont make much money or even have an Astro Van but I go to the track, and dont need your permission to go. You also didnt know anything about those people and your claiming you probably paid for them to get in the track? What someone else is doing with their money is none of your business. Hope one day I and all the other poor white trash can live up to your standards. Nah never mind I'd rather stay the way I am.
2. Real fans either have their hands over their heart or held in front of themselves, and their hat removed during the National Anthem. They do not talk and not remove their hats.

Moonie, I agree but racefans are better than other types of fans---baseball, football etc. when it comes to respecting the National Anthem. JMO

Hay dixon fan I pull my race trailer with an old rusted / dented up truck with more trash in the floorboard and bed than that astro van ever thought about having. No baby seat though (they got me beat on that one) and I live in Jefferson county and I do live in a trailer so I guess due to your saying I must be king of the white trash? Give the people a break at least they did not go out and buy some crack. Money spent at the track is money well spent. I have a buddy of mine that his dad went in to buy 3 new dump trucks and the salesman thought the same thing you did, so the guys dad went somewhere else and paid cash for all 3, took the trucks to the other dealer with the recipts and said dont ever judge a person by there looks. Just saying the guy lost out on a few thousand dollors for misjudging someone. Anyway things are not always what they seem to be.
So because someone is poor, and drives a cheap car they shouldnt go to the races. To call kids white trash based on how much money their parents have or what kind of car they drive tells me more about YOU than them.The race track is a pretty affordable night of entertainment for a family of 4. I dont make much money or even have an Astro Van but I go to the track, and dont need your permission to go. You also didnt know anything about those people and your claiming you probably paid for them to get in the track? What someone else is doing with their money is none of your business. Hope one day I and all the other poor white trash can live up to your standards. Nah never mind I'd rather stay the way I am.

Are you on Welfare?
Hay dixon fan I pull my race trailer with an old rusted / dented up truck with more trash in the floorboard and bed than that astro van ever thought about having. No baby seat though (they got me beat on that one) and I live in Jefferson county and I do live in a trailer so I guess due to your saying I must be king of the white trash? Give the people a break at least they did not go out and buy some crack. Money spent at the track is money well spent. I have a buddy of mine that his dad went in to buy 3 new dump trucks and the salesman thought the same thing you did, so the guys dad went somewhere else and paid cash for all 3, took the trucks to the other dealer with the recipts and said dont ever judge a person by there looks. Just saying the guy lost out on a few thousand dollors for misjudging someone. Anyway things are not always what they seem to be.

I have no problem if the couple wanted to go out by themselves. But what bothered me was the way the children looked, filthy. The one child in the car seat only had on a diaper, come on, they couldn't even put a shirt on that child. That is what bothers me is when the parents don't seem to care. And like I said before a $22 race. Maybe wait until fan appreciation night for only $5. I know if we are short on funds in our house we budget, where the money is important for this month. Trust me, a couple of months ago a race was not on our list of things we could do, our 2 year old comes first.

Maybe in this case it was their way to enjoy the extra fundsa....they may have paid all normal bills and had extra money to spend on a fun activity (vacation day) for the family, that is for them to know. You shouldn't be judging them.

Filthy - dirt track racing = dirty race fans (kids and adults ).
One Of My Biggest Problems Iv Seen is When I See A Kid Go Up To A Driver And Ask For An Autograph and He said "Im To Busy", If You Can't Take 10 Seconds Outta Your Schulde To Sign Somethin Then You Got Some Problems, Your Inspiring Theses Kids To Go Out And Do What Your Doin, And If You Telling Them That Your To Busy To Sign An Autograph Then Whats He Gonna Think Of You.:mad:
Maybe in this case it was their way to enjoy the extra fundsa....they may have paid all normal bills and had extra money to spend on a fun activity (vacation day) for the family, that is for them to know. You shouldn't be judging them.

Filthy - dirt track racing = dirty race fans (kids and adults ).

I just about gave them some of my funds to that souvenir trailer for a kids shirt. The guys with me said let them go and don't get involved. After having a child of myself, when I see something like this with kids, it's sad just to see because they don't know any better. And when the parents were walking ahead of them not knowing where their kids were at behind them. Whatever then...
Cheering before anthem is over

That is some of Hitlers relations. :mad:

You see those things at every sporting event, not just Pevely.

What I hate is when people start cheering before the anthem is over. Where ever did that get started?:confused:

You'd better never go to a Chicago BlackHawks game at the United Center if you do not like this. They cheer/sing/yell during the entire time the anthem is played. Actually, I thought it was kind of wild the first time I experienced it and that was back at the old Stadium before the United Center. People have the choice to join in or remain quiet, but be ready for some serious noise whatever you do....
Are you on Welfare?

What would that matter if I was? Sounds to me like you don't have enough to worry about other then how dirty someones kid is? or the state of my or someone else's financial portfolio. I said in my reply I have a job that doesn't pay a lot, but still find money to take my family to the track, and not just $5 night as you suggested. Sure must be nice to live in your perfect world.
What would that matter if I was? Sounds to me like you don't have enough to worry about other then how dirty someones kid is? or the state of my or someone else's financial portfolio. I said in my reply I have a job that doesn't pay a lot, but still find money to take my family to the track, and not just $5 night as you suggested. Sure must be nice to live in your perfect world.

Amen! I'm so glad that someone else said something. What Dixon Fan had to say had gone way too far!! Yes, I understand the kids should have a t-shirt on and be in a clean car seat. But to go as far as to say that we are probably paying for them, that's rediculous. I would not be worried about them, what the problem is when we pay for someone that goes out and uses the money to buy a new car every month! That's what burns my butt!! If someone wants to go show up to the race track and spend their money that way, then so be it!! Who are you to tell them where they can and can not spend their money!! I'm guessing we all should hand over our money to you and you can run all of our funds!! Maybe we'd have SOME money then. :rolleyes: The economy is rough out there and things are very tight! I don't know what you do for a living, but my fiance is in construction and lately there has been either very little work or the rain has stopped them...No work..No pay! My fiance doesnt get to go racing as much as he likes anymore because of the money situation, but when we have a little bit of money after our bills are paid, we go!! Who's to say that isn't the situation with them!?!? I think you put your foot in your mouth on this one! I'm glad you live in a perfect World!! When you come back to Planet Earth, let us know!!! :rolleyes::)
