BO smith


New Member
whatever happend to Bo Smith??? does he still race?? I remember when i was a lil kid going to pevely and watching him race his black bodied, with maroon numbered late model. but anyways...does this guy still race?
Good question. I also remember watching him as a kid race at Pevely. I sure never he anyone ever mention his name. :confused:

kinda strange, that we don't hear anything on him anymore. I remember him being real fast, i think he was a pot head though. but i may be wrong.
Mr. Slideways!!

Well Ive been keepin busy at the ole ridged rubber factory...big pappa oredered a big shipment of them and i had to process them!!! hes been in the bahamas he had to have them by this weekend for the outlaws at i55!!!:D
Does anybody know where he is? I remember him hammerle,dixon,and gundaker were usally the top 4.

yeah big papa oughta be getting back to the states before to long, he's been roundin him up some youngins to bring back for more business. he told me to tell you, that he's got a young brown eyed brown haired perky chested beauty waitin to get back here to see you. she said since your a friend of mine and a client of pappa's that she's not going to charge you anything. Sound like a plan? He's got me a young blue eyed brown haired perked out chest chick that she also won't charge me anything cause me and pappa are pals. He also told me to tell ya that you, me and him need to get together cause we havta discuss price increase on each lady. just get back to me in a week or so and we'll head to pappa's palace.
I saw Bo last summer at I-55 tooling around the pits after the races. At that time he was not even thinking about racing. But when it's in the blood you never know :)
Re: it's

Originally posted by j.j.slideways!!
kinda strange, that we don't hear anything on him anymore. I remember him being real fast, i think he was a pot head though. but i may be wrong.

That is an un cool reply. :( If you thought wrong it could be called slander. :( Whether it's true or not ..... :rolleyes:

i didn't mean for it to sound mean. some people i know told me he was a pot head. i didn't know if he was or not. but i know one thing he was fast!
That's okay

I just get offended when people bring out the dirty laundry of a driver or their family. We have had to hear - hear say of peoples finances ( most not true ) ( drug problems ) ect.... And it is way un cool. Just because they drive does not mean they are an open book for defamation and slander. After all we ALL have skeletons in our closets. Most of us would not like our business aired for all to see. You know what I mean ? And most of us know more than the law allows about each other on here. And the code of ethics should be do not to share what you know. After all it could be one of us someone is spilling beans on :( I am sure you meant no harm. You're not that type of person that I have seen so far. And yes he was Bad A S S fast. Along with Hammerl Man/ Dixon/ Gundaker/ Bizzeli sure miss him he's now driving a mod at MCS... Those were the days huh!! :D
We see Bo around some of the bars in St. Charles now and then, I have heard him talk about racing, but never indicated that he was thinking of coming back. As far as I know he is doing well.
bo misses it but dosent have the cash to go it alone anyone have a good ride he would jump at it. he bowls at plaza and hazelwood