Chris Soutiea Needs your Prayers


Well-Known Member
Chris Soutiea was admitted to the hospital last Thursday with double pnemonia - low oxygen levels - low blood pressure and sepsis ( septic ) blood infection. He has been in ICU on a ventialtor since Friday Morning. His pnemonia is bacterial. Since friday his bp has gone up high and has been running 102 - 100 temps. They tell us each day is baby steps. But they did mention today if he does not make alot of improvement before Wed they will trache him. The Dr. told Rocky if she did not bring him in on Thurs he'd been dead by Sat. His missed Chrsitmas with Samantha (1) and Sabrina (5). Plus his Christmas Birthday. He has a long road ahead of him even if no re-lapse. Please keep Rocky - Sabrina - Samantha and Gussie in your thoughts and prayers...

Lisa Jones
Get well Buddy..... My mother n law just went thru this same thing at the same hospital for about a month and half stay in icu,then she was transferred to st anthonys where she has been for about another month getting winged from the breathing today from Doc says she will have to be shipped to a nursing home for further recovery and rehab since she is still so week from all she went thru...she is 65. So with that being said I know what you and your family are going thru and we are praying hard that your road to recovery will be a better and speedy one,
Tim and Denise Smith
Wow....thoughts and prayers to him and his family. Hearing more and more nowadays about double pnuemonia and it getting septic
thoughts and prayers to the whole family from Brian and Tina. Brian had the double deal two winters ago and took 4months to fully recover. when the doctors say rest for weeks take them serious on this stuff! It will relapse very easily from here on out at anytime.
Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers and wishing you a speedy recovery..........

The Officers and Board of the St. Louis Auto Racing Fan Club
Update on Chris - he is getting better ( baby steps ) still a very sick dude - Wed they will do the trache sp cause after 2 weeks on a ventilator his vocal cords and larnex are now subject to damage - pressure on the vocal cord can damage the tissue... He is still heavily sedated. TY Brian and Tina for talking to me last night and allowing me to compare. What I learned is the road is a long and ugly trip ahead once he is out of the hospital. I know we have 2 1/2 months till opening day of racing and it is not looking like he will be able to join in the festivities :(. My understanding is he will not be back to work for a couple of months.... Hope God does some quick healing - but healing is all we really want - racing can come later !!!! When they lower his meds for sedation his eyes roll in the back of his head and he has convulsions - the push of a button and 30 seconds later he is in La La land - Rocky is getting frustrated ( understandably ) cause there has hardly been changes in the 13 days he has been in the ICU ! When they say babysteps we had no idea the baby wasn't walking yet :( Continued prayers are accepted and appreciated... Very much appreciated...
Thanks for the update Lisa. We will continue to keep Chris (and all of you) in our thoughts and prayers for a complete "speedy" recovery very soon!!! Tell Rocky to hang in there....pneumonia is a terrible thing to deal with and recover takes TIME!!! Love you all!
Sorry to hear about this. Years ago I had it but it was not that bad. Hope things improve soon rather than later.
