David Turner of Adrian MO takes the Al Bodenhamer Memorial O'Reilly MLRA Event


Staff member
The 2nd Annual Al Bodenhamer Memorial is now in the record books! David Turner of Adrian Missouri and a long time friend of the late Al Bodenhamer was both honored and excited at his winning of tonight's event!

"Al Bodenhamer's fight with his Cancer was hard to watch" stated Turner in remembering his friend. "Jason and his family put their lives on hold for the last couple of years so that Al could enjoy what time he had left" Turner continued. "Jason stayed close and took care of the business that the family had built, raced when he could and was married to Jackie all in time that Al could see that his Son Jason was settling down" Turner concluded.

The icing continued for the Adrian State Bank sponsored Rocket racer when Turner took the honors by winning the Race Engine Builders event for his long time engine builder and Crew Chief Scott Bailey of Peculiar, Missouri. "Scott's been there for me in so many ways, he's put us together more than once and he's held our Team together through all we've been through" Turner joked up when remembering where he's been.

Al Purkey of Coffeyville Kansas came in second battling with Blue Grass Iowa's Gary Webb taking third. Coming in -- in 4th place after never having seen Adrian Missouri nor having run on anything as small as Adrian was California's Mike Johnson in the 2J towing in from Clovis California. Now if people only knew, Mike Johnson is a hitter from the small Central California town nestled between Bakersfield and Fresno where he's had many a lap at the famed Oildale Track - so Adrian had to seem like home. Following Johnson was the newly crowned MARS Champion Terry Phillips, then in sixth it was Jason Bodenhamer. Jason Bodenhamer who had less than 40 hours to build a brand new race car from his devastating crash at Wheatland Missouri on Saturday night. Tonight starting the feature would have been like winning the Main event for Bodenhamer - his Father would have been so proud. Kansas City Kansas driver Brett LaFollete held down the seventh position while Ken Schrader finished eighth then it was David Barker Aaron Seabaugh TJ Kuykendall and Alan Vaughn crossing the line in 12th.

With 35 Cars on hand for the start of Speed weeks in Kansas City!

Heat Race Results
1st Heat
Alan Vaughn, Ken Schrader, Stevenson, Long, Eaton, Reynolds Crocker
2nd Heat
Mike Johnson, Jason Bodenhamer, Simmons, Barker, Lyle, Stolba
3rd Heat
Brett LaFollette, Gary Webb, Fennewald, Dixon, Schultz, Kuykendall, Brown
4th Heat
Al Purkey, Terry Phillips, House, Jones, Melton, Nagy, Millard
5th Heat
David Turner, Aaron Seabaugh, Bohlman, Sims, Skaggs

1st Dash Race Engine Builders
David Turner, Al Purkey, Jason Bodenhameer, David Barker, Dale Eaton

2nd Dash Jack Vaughn Memorial
Jason Bodenhamer, Al Purkey, Alan Vaugh, David Turner, Gary Stolba

1st B
C J Lyle, Ed Dixon, Kerry Schultz, Rusty Skaggs, Garry Stolba
2nd B
David Barker , Dale Eaton, Jones, Crocker, Kuykendall

Next Race will be Friday Night at Lakeside 10/8/04
