Fire suit question


New Member
I was wondering ... Most of the drivers fire suits look dirty (yes, I know, a dirt track). My questions are: If the fire suit is washed, is the fire retardant removed? Does the fire retardant "wear off" over time? How do you clean a fire suit? How do you know when your suit is no longer fire retardant?
Fire suit

Yes from what I have been told from a few dealers a fire suit does have a life span there are many different kinds of fire proof material everything from proban nomex and the newer safer carbon lined suits washing them in a washing machine can take away from there ability to resist fire the best way I've been told to clean a suit is to have them dry cleaned hope this helps out
There is a difference

If you have a suit that that the fabric is coated with a fire retardent chemical then washing it will definatley cause it to lose it's fire protective quality. If you have a suit that the fabric itself is fire protective without chemicals then it's okay to wash. At least that is what I've been told by several manufacturers. Do some research and remember, you get what you pay for.

Brian #44
We have Jimmy's firesuit dry-cleaned periodically at GEM Dry Cleaners in Waterloo, IL. They do a terrific job and are very reasonably priced. They dry clean it at the end of the day, sometimes doing it twice depending on how dirty Jimmy gets it. It always looks great when we pick it up. Don't let your firesuit get too dirty (that's easier to say than do), and shop around for a reasonably-priced dry cleaner. The man who owns GEM knows about racing, as his son does go-carts.
Most suit companies recommend the you DO NOT dry clean your suits . The chemicals are abrasive and are usually flammable . They most recommend washing them with a mild detergent like Woolite and hang dry are use a dry dryer on a low setting with no other item in the dryer with the suit .
Tommy's firesuit specifically states that it's fine to wash and that it has NO effect on the nomex at all. (not sure if this is a "new" thing)

We were always under the impression that you weren't "supposed" to wash them either, though we always did - they get too nasty not to.
Termite… Think about what drivers get their fire-suits dirty with. Mud, sweat, dust, oil and grease. Even if was okay to use strong detergents and wash after every use, they’d still look funky in no time. LOL

Here’s what I’ve always understood about caring for driver’s fire safety gear:
* Use only Woolite or similar mild detergent.
* Do not EVER use fabric softener on a fire suit… It’s flammable by itself.
* Do not dry fire suits using any kind of heat (including low)… They’re only made to “hot” once. Putting it in a dryer even on low will affect its ability to protect from flames.
* Do not dry clean… Chemicals used in that process degrade the fabric and/or chemical treatment.
So what a couple of you are saying, is a firesuit that is supposed to be fire retardent, is flamable?

I don't get it
do your research

do your research on the differant brands of suits, which ever company you decide to go with or already have, will have their recommended care instructions. each one is different. i just purchased a new suit myself and it is an alpinestars 2 layer suit. ill have to look when i get home about their care instructions. i will post them later.
i am also on a fire department, any time we wash our gear, we use tide but there is also an additive we put in that is supposed to help out. but we also have to write down when we wash our gear and date it. bunker gear does have a certain amount of wash times also when it will start to loose its fire resistance rating.
