HIghland Speedway


Will the cars that showed up on Saturday night and drew a number get 10 show-up points?
No, show-up points will not be awarded, as the events were cancelled prior to the 6:00 p.m. draw close. This information is posted on the track's website, which can be referenced by the following link: http://www.highlandspeedway.com/points_system1.htm

For your convenience, the pertinent policy has been pasted below as well:

In the event of a Rain-Out:

IF the event is cancelled AFTER the draw has closed (6:00 p.m.) show-up points will be awarded to each driver in attendance.

IF the event is cancelled PRIOR to the draw closing time (6:00 p.m.), show-up points WILL NOT be awarded for drivers that have already signed-in at the track. This method will not penalize drivers that travel several miles and compete for season championship points.
