
Momma Drew

Active Member
Well here goes. May not want to hear it but too bad I need to vent!
I can not understand why someone who moved up to the premier class, who has obvious talent, can drive clean the heat / dash / feature. BUT when he gets in his old sportsman he thinks the cars ahead of him are to be treated as cushions or bullseyes if you will, for a slide job gone bad. Jason not only rammed the 88 in the heat but the 7 and 33 in the feature. What gives? What the 88 did after the checkered dropped may have been unnecessary, I did get on to my son, but can you not understand his frustration knowing the 15 does this to him every chance possible. But I can't help but think of the scene from Days of Thunder when Tom Cruz bumped into the car infront of him and waved and remarked REMEMBER ME!!!! That move cost Scott a possible spot in the feature. Heaven for bid if the 15 had to go to a consi!. Charlie..... Your little talk to the 15 after the heat sure didn't do any good unless you were telling him what a good job he did!!!!
And to the 441 in the consi. MAN can you not fix your rear bumper or what. Scott DID NOT intetionaly spin you. AND to Charlie did you not see that the 2 cars were hooked tail to nose, coming out of turn 2. You were closer to them than me and I could still see it on the video!!! When Scott let off the gas to slow down, the 441 spun. They were still hooked until the 441 went sideways. IT WAS NOT intentional. If it had been anyone else that mattered, I know the call would have been different. Seen it time and time again.
YEA, YEA, YEA I know if you don't like it go somewhere else. WHERE? Highland is only 30 miles from the house. Peavely it takes over an hour to get there, with gas prices the way they are you do the math!
We are not the only ones that are digusted with last nights events. I am just woman enough to talk about it without telling someone to kiss this.
Scott and the 441 gettin hooked ,, what a load of bs. i watched the tape to day dont look like he got hooked to me looks like 88s cleaned the 441, and another thing How the hell can you have a illegal bumper, i thought it was funny hearing scotty say it is your bumper it is illeagl.. what a laugh.. .. if it is a illegal bumper looked like you guys got the same one. Have a nice day.... The bomber wreck was the first one i have seen a car pointin up in the air on top of another car hope billy and eric are ok.
Sorry To Tell You Yes They Were Hooked Together. I Also Tape All Heat Races And Exspecially The 88s And The 7 Sportsman. One Other Thing That Upsets Me Is When You Walk By In The Stands And Someone Yells Slover S****!!!!! Let Me Tell You Some Thing If I Didn't Like Going To Highland To Watch The Races I Would Say Something To This Lady!!! She Does This Every Weekend And I'm Sorry But Your Car (not Giving A Number) Is Not Perfect By No Means.

Well Skip...It is my understanding that there are not to be anysharp edges and they are suppose to be TUCKED into the body. It was not. Many of them look like field goal posts! Guess you have never looked at some of the rear bumpers on other cars. THEY are a joke. AND yes our bumper is tucked into the rear panel and there are no sharp edges to get hooked up with ANY car. TRY again....
Just went out to take a look at the car in the trailer. HMMM How did the fender bracket get pull out and the fender top ripped. If he did what you said he did. Shouldn't it be "pushed in" not pulled out? Your version doesn't hold dirt sorry.
Skip one more thing! I guess it's hard to find a good tech man when he is haning out in the pits with a certain car all night. Does he actually get paid or does he just get a free pit pass everynight? Tech just doesn't have to be in the infield after the races. All you need is a clip board with the rules attached, a tape measure, a mike and a flashlight and walk the pits like it used to be done!
I am not surprised that the 15 hit someone again.... I guess his theory is if you can't beat em' take em' out... like he tried last week.
Well here goes, may not want to here it but i need to vent! I cannot understand why you get on here every week and bash other drivers . Oh yea and the people who run the show. This week it is the 15 and 441. Oh yea and tech. I didn't see the 47 car on here complaining when Scotty spun him out on purpose last week ! Never heard a word about that one. Let's try something new and leave our frustrations at the track or at home. Threads like this only hurt racing in general, not just the sportsman class! Do you want to be a major part in killing this class ? It might be worth the extra money in gas and run pevely , maybe even have fun. BASHING IS NOT GOING TO HELP . JMO
No bashing. I think the term your looking for is being "critical"! People who can't handle the truth are quick to call attention by making someone out to be a cry baby. Sorry that is farther from the truth. If you sit back week after week and just watch. You would see it to. When people you don't even know come up to you after the races and tell how bad you got shafted, it would make you wonder, too!!!!
Maybe your right...just sitting out would save awhole bunch of money and just go to Peavely to watch and have a good time!!!!
Parts and fuel before the races.....200.00
Pit passes and front gate tickets..148.00
fuel / food / drinks / toys etc ....75.00
I think Charlie needs to drop the sportsman class because that's where the griping comes from every week. Usually same person. Go race at another track and see how fair u get treated. I'm not afraid to sign my name.
Mike Pasley
I think Charlie needs to drop the sportsman class because that's where the griping comes from every week. Usually same person. Go race at another track and see how fair u get treated. I'm not afraid to sign my name.
Mike Pasley
Yep Drop the class with the highest car count, that would be real smart.
Highest car count??? Hmm, that just doesn't seem right to me. I could be wrong. Anyhow, Momma Drew, keeping in mind I do not agree with what Scottie did, I understand his frustration. I think he took his yellow flag graciously and like a man, UNLIKE two weeks ago when the cry baby refused to leave the track cause he didnt agree with a call. Bottom line, Scottie did what he did, what happened, happened.
27 cars sat. and they have been avg. 25 a week The late models have been avg more but that will fluctuate during the summer with the big money races. Either way you look at it the car count has been strong and consistent so far this year.
I think Charlie needs to drop the sportsman class because that's where the griping comes from every week. Usually same person. Go race at another track and see how fair u get treated. I'm not afraid to sign my name.
Mike Pasley
FYI Mike, We run 2 sportsman cars and we have been taking our Allied legal car to Belleville on Friday nights and we haven't had ANY problems there. Magine that!
As for the car count the sportsman class has a very srong car count. Only one night so far this season the count was 18 ( that was the night it cost 35.00 to get in the pits) all of the rest are 20 plus cars a night.

By the way the name is Debbie Drew / aka Momma Drew!
Since my name was brought up I'll chime in.

Debbie, the statement that you made about, I am just woman enough to talk about it without telling someone to kiss this, was true. I'll be the first one to admit it, heck, the whole pit heard me say it.
And yes I was mad at the time, but what you failed to add is, that I had just stopped one of your pit crew members from going into another pit because he was mad, people who think that it is a good idea to go to another pit when they are mad is not a good idea. Saved him from being escorted out by Highland's finest, I hate to see someone who is mad at the time not being able to come back to the track in the future because they lost their temper that one night. I usually don't have any problems with you guys and I didn't want things to get out of hand so I stepped in. You have to understand, I have a lot of responsibility, and I want everyone to come and race and have a good time, and enjoy the evening but I also have to keep things moving throughout the night, and being responsibe for sometimes 120cars/drivers/pitcrews in one night {and I thought being a wife and mother was hard}LOL
And, I also hate it when I get to the point that I lose my temper, but there is a limit. I also will not tolerate someone getting in my face and cusing at me like someone did, without me getting my 2 cents worth in, he was mad and I was madder!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I have any say in what happens out on the track, but when it comes to my pits you will hear it from me first, my motto has always been, I might be a B!tch but I'm a fair one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. LOL
Everyone knows that I will be the first one to stick up for you, and try my best to treat everyone as fair as possible, but yes I was aggravated, not at Scott, but at the crew.
During the features we appoligized and shook hands, and next week will be a new week, no harm no foul. Would like for you all to come back, but it is a free country and if you decide not to come, that is your call.

My apologies, I guess I didn't realize how high the count has gotton. I remember a few years back when on average there was about 15 cars on any given Sat. night. I guess I haven't paid much attention lately. Typical me!!
well here goes i been around racing all my life (well over 30years) and i have never seen the bs like that goes on at highland i been going there for years and the last 2 years have been really out of control i didn't go sat but i heard all about it and i can say it didn't suprise me, the last few weeks a few cars have been targets,from non-drivin, i got the money to fix mine attitude people tearing other cars up and then to walk through the pits and hear them brag how they took them out it is totally uncalled for i would say to the drew crew this after the same car hits and hits your cars weekend and weekout ya paybacks are due its about time scotty explodes and you know me im not the one for people tearing other peoples stuff up its not racing its not sportsmanship but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH scotty has held his breath long enough and to walk through the pits and hear what i heard is b/s you would think after the same car gets slammed by the same driver someone would notice but i guess not if you are a official from highland i see it and others i sit with see it but i guess its only in our heads and to think all started at godfrey speedway i do believe correct me if i'm wrong o the memories they carry on or should i say crash on thank you have a good day:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Thanks Racefan! But I guess if we want to race we just have to take the lickin and keep on tickin! When dealing with arogance, you just have to to that sometimes! Also when you know how the circle of life fits in at Highland, you'll understand! Relativly speaking!
