Keselowski Wins the 5-hour Energy 250 at Gateway


Staff member


Brad Keselowski won the 5-hour Energy 250 at Gateway International.

The win was sweet considering earlier this year Keselowski was leading at the last lap when Carl Edwards bumped passed Keselowski causing him to wreck.

“I try not to hold grudges,” said Keselowski, “You got to move forward and that is what this team did today.

Just Allgaier, the pole sitter, took the early lead and dominated the first 76 laps of the race. But a slow pit stop caused him to the loose the lead.

NASCAR Sprint drivers Brad Keselowski and Carl Edwards who set off great fireworks in the first race at Gateway this year, eventually found themselves in the lead. As these rivals began to battle “The Big One” wreck happened right behind them coming out of turn four down the front straightaway.

Scott Wimmer got loose and Rick Stenhouse Jr. ran into him and that caused a chain reaction wreck impacting 11 cars.

Sean Caisse who started in 5th position was also included in the accident and was very frustrated.

"I got caught up in the big one in St. Louis," said Case. "This is a preview of Talledega. There was no give and take [prior to the accident]. I saw drivers going three wide and Danica Patrick went four wide."

Brendan Gaughan was also caught up in the big one but was a bit more upbeat.

"Hit, hit, hit and hit," Gaughan what he felt in during the accident, "But Gateway is a great track and we all really going to miss it but this kind of accident can happen here."

Danica Patrick almost got through the accident but got clipped in the rear. She was able to continue in the race, but lost 13 laps as her team repaired the car. None of the drivers were injured.

After racing resume, Brad Keseloswki took control of the lead with racers with local ties, Justin Allgaier, Carl Edwards and Steve Wallace battled for next lead spots.

After the final round of green pit stop racing, Penske teammates Keselowski and Allgaier battled for the lead. Coming out turn 4, Allgaier was able to pass for the lead with 26 laps remaining in the race.

Steve Wallace, son of Rusty Wallace and former St. Louis resident, was in fourth place before he had a flat tire. Shortly after his return to the track he bumped Danica Patrick causing her to wreck into the wall. This brought out the final race caution with 9 laps to go. All the leaders went into the pts.

When green flag racing resumed with 5 laps to go, Reed Sorenson took the lead with Mike Bliss in second after they decided to only take on two tires.

Teammates Keselowski and Allgaier both took four tires and started in 5th and 6th. But they were able to charge to the front quickly. Keselowski passed Bliss on the last lap to take the win. Allgaier had to settle for second behind Mike Bliss.

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Race Coverage by:

Jimmy Dearing
Kevin Proot
Larry Vancil