Michael Jackson

Dirt Hound Answer your phone!!!!

John Barr
The Trashdog
Allright here's what we do, we set up a poll for the number of days in before micheal "the king of pop" jackson.... or should I say Micheal "the queen of cell block D" Jackson. ends up in the obits................... or will it take over Martha Stewarts old cell.
I think you're right about that one MnM. I think he'll either kill himself. Be killed by another inmate. Or be cryogenically (sp) frozen to protect the innocent!!!! LOL!
Ya know win Mikey is havin a party at his house,,, All the Big wheeles are parked in the drive way,
:D Did you here about the new book that Michael Jackson is writing--"The Ins & Outs of Child Rearing!!!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

What's WHITE, made out of plastic & dangerous for kids to be around---MICHAEL JACKSON!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
That was good stuff! Kudos everyone. I just wish I wouldn't have missed Kreke13's post. That whole thing about a sick sense of humor, well I have it. PM it to me if you get time, I am always up for a good joke.
What's the difference between Michael Jackson and Santa?
Nothing, they both leave children's bedrooms with empty sacks!
Michael Jackson was on a airplaine with 10 little boys and the pilot, the motors stoped working, the pilot came to Jackson and said that there was only 2 parachutes, take one and jump, Jackson said,what about the boys, the pilot said, screw them, Jackson said DO I HAVE TIME???
