Modified Rookie of 2006

mustang fan

mustang fan
Can someone tell me, who was the Modified Rookie of the year, at St Francois for 2006? Thanks!

Matt Eaton was the 2006 Modified Rookie of the Year....which was determined by the rookie who finished highest in the point standings.
Top 5 in points for 2006 were:
1. Brent Thompson
2. Jeremy Greenwalt
3. Kenny Kennedy
4. Matt Eaton (rookie)
5. Kasey Nations (rookie)
My guess....

My guess would be Michael Abney. I believe he is the highest rookie in the final point standings (if that is how they decide it this year...). I think Michael finished 6th in points at SFCR this year. He had an awesome year stepping up from the Pure Street class. I was very impressed by him!
I Agree

I agree with Matt, Michael Abney should win rookie of the year. Sixth in points is not an easy task with the boys in this class, espically your first year in the car. Also props to Preston in the 45p, he came a long way from the start of the year. C-Ya all at the Royale.
