Montgomery County Speedway Question


Say WHAT???
August 4, Sprint Cars at Montgomery County Speedway...

Fact or fiction???

Yes, it is true. O'Reilly Midwest All Star Winged Sprints - $2,000 to win.

A-Mod's are $750 to win and B-Mod's are $500 to win.

Thanks for the info guys. Pardon me... guy and girlie.
I had no luck searching elsewhere and got the straight
scoop in no time here at StlRacing.:D
The last thing I heard, it was just 3 classes. I did hear they were thinking of adding another class, but I can't say for sure.

Any more thoughts on a Fastrak/ULMA challenge? I know it had been discussed a little but haven't heard much since.

Had it set up at Wheatland after they cancelled our Fastrak Event!!!

Was told ULMA Driver thought we were to rough of Drivers, So Wheatland Cancelled Deal????

Thats Straight Forward, How else do you want It???

Eric Rudd
Call 314-808-8415
Eric, PM me with names of drivers that said that if you know who they were and I will tell you if they were ULMA members or not. I hadn't heard anything like that. Remember, not all drivers at our four affiliated tracks are members of our association.

