*** Opinions Here***

Swappin Paint

Active Member
If you've only been around racing for the last 20-25 years you probably don't know much different than what we currently have. But for those who were around before that. How is racing better today or is it better than what we had in say....Pre sanctioning body (UMP)era? Just curious how some think.
Way better back when I started racing in this area.
Just 2 examples.....
No crate engines.
Way better tech inspection!!!!!
1st racing here 1970.
Still good into the late 90's, except for UMP starting to get involved.
I had raced before this in N. Dakota, which was about the same back then as racing in this area.

in some ways it was better back then and someways not. in the last few years before ump there was not many late models around. then memmer started ump and it took a few years but they made a big come back. the good part was during that time the allied type modifieds were really crushing it.
I agree with both of you on your points.

Rich I remember watching you for years race them Mopar street stocks and limited sportsmans. I was a mopar fan myself.

Mike I agree there was a time the late models were a thriving division. I like many others enjoyed them. But, seems to me cost has caused a severe watering down of the division on the local level. At this point now we aren't getting very good car counts in them(Belleville) being the best from what I see. That I think stems from smaller budget teams running where their program can achieve more success. I must say Belleville has the most competitive racing in my opinion. Yes we all know the track being smaller plays a part.

But as far sanctions go locally. Latemodels and Amods ok. But they ought to stay out of the support classes.
well late models aren't dead yet i think they can still be saved if the right people got involved. there is still a lot more around than before ump. these things seem to go in cycles i can remember back in the day in klein coup and hammerle gremlin days that a lot of nights they only had 10 or 12 cars. so i still have hope. wether they should be sanctioned or not i dont know.
