Presidential Race - Are We United?


I have one for your list!

1)Obama's Global Poverty Act

Funny.... there are 7 Republicans on the Senates Foreign Relations committee. On 2/13/08 they submitted a "favorable report with reccomendations for ammendments" on this Bill. It has been Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. (do you know what thay means?)

Better call your Republican Senator and tell him to get the rest of the boys back in line and walking the straight and narrow.:D

Now King is a Religion Scholar

Are you Catholic?
You're probably for abortion too?

Why are you attacking me???????? You don't even have to be a Relgious Person to see what is wrong with this hypocrisy. I must be getting to you, your loosing your sense of republican and religious values to make a statment like that.

According to REPUBLICANS they all care about family values (do you know what those are?)! Once again, here we go..FLIP, FLOP, FLIP, FLOP.

When it serves your purpose in proving your side of the arguement you agree with it. When it proves a counterpoint you say "who cares" and try to play it off as if it doesn't matter.
Wow you guys aren't even taking a break to watch the Rams get their butts kicked!:eek::p I know you guys are getting this all done now so you can watch the COWBOYS kick some butt!:D:D
My family is independently wealthy.LOL

You wanna talk about handouts??? Why are we paying to rebuild a country that had revenues of over $60 Billion in one quarter last fall? As stated earlier we have spent $45 Billion on rebuilding them since Bush declared victory, thats not counting the war and current occupation of their country, which has now cost us over $500Billion.

Don't tell me its for our national security. Wheres Bin Laden? Why aren't we doing anything about North Korea or Iran? Ole "W" only thought Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and was itching to bomb the place for 1 1/2 years before he went against the UN's advice and did it. What did he find? Nothing. Then the war suddenly became "operation Iraqi freedom and not the "war on terror". Korea and Iran have both developed and tested warheads. Guess what, They have them...What has "W" done about them??????????

Never said Bush caused a hurricane. He just did nothing about the aftermath.

Quit twisting the truth.

For the past year of our current decline in GDP BUSH-2 has made speech after speech insisting "WE ARE NOT IN A RECESSION!, THIS IS A PERIOD OF ECONOMIC SLOWDOWN" You can't play both sides of the coin JMCgrew47.

Q&A.......Why is everything blamed on Clinton??? Because a Republican can't do anything! (SAD BUT TRUE ISN"T IT?)

I never claimed Obama has done anything for anyone, changed the world, or even accomplished taking a good dump.

So Listen up people. I'm saying this for the last time, quit asking for me to list Obama's accomplishments. I am not an Obama fan. I don't care if he wipes his butt with his bare hand and slaps me in the face with it.

I am voting for him solely to keep 4 more years of the Status Quo out of office. I am not happy with the route "W" has us on, and the one that McSame will keep us on.

Why can't you people see the trees thru the forrest?

The GDP has actually grown in the last 2 quarters.
Funny thing...Republicans..holier than thou attitude...preaching morales...waving the bible....shouting about family values...prolife..etc

you just nominated a womanizer as your choice for president..He divorced his wife (which is a sin to the catholic church) in the midst of an affair(which is a sin according to the bible) with a girl 17 years younger than him (which could be termed pedophilia if the timeframe is right). He then selects a vp candidate that has an unwed pregnant daughter(another sin), and who knows what other skeletons in her closet. Wasn't she a cheerleader in high school??? I remember the morales of our highschool cheerleaders:D

and someone had the nerve to call me a hypocrite??
Being a Christian doesn't mean you're perfect. It just means you are forgiven.

Is it really fair to blame Sarah Palin for her daughter getting pregnant? I'm sure Gov. palin has taught her daughters about the dangers of premartal sex. However, she can't hold her daughters hand in every minute of er life. 16 and 17 year old kids sometimes do things they shouldn't even when they know they shouldn't. Any parent of a teen will agree with that assessment.

Gov. Palin gave birth the a child with Down. 9 in 10 unborn babies diagnosed with Down are aborted.

Just because perfect moral character is impossible (as we are all sinners) does not mean that we should not try to live as morally sound as possible.

I don't know all the facts about McCain's divorce, nor is it any of my business. Unfortunately, divorce happens sometimes. I've been divorced myself. That's a private issue and should remain as such. And Yes, the President of the US is entitled to some privacy.

Now King is a Religion Scholar

Are you Catholic?
You're probably for abortion too?

Well, he apparently knows more about the religion than you do. Who cares that she's pregnant??? I Care...The Pope will care and so should anyone else that is actually a Catholic. You don't get to change the rules just to make her feel better. Its Not OK. I don't care if they are making the guy marry her. The deed is done.

King Eddy, It was a good try but you are wasting your breath...They all must have some really good Rose Colored glasses on...I see it your way. I, if I had a choice would not vote for Obama...His Race and Religion were never a factor in my decision. But He is the candidate for the Democratic party and I will vote for him for that reason. I would not vote for the republican party because my family won't survive another 4 years of this type of economy. We need a change.
I do not discredit Senator Mc Cain, He has done alot in his military career for this country...But being a prisoner of war does not mean you can run a country.
All I can truly say is Vote... You can't Bit** if you don't Vote!
And My vote will at least cancel out one of their votes.
I only stated that if your criteria for selecting a president was based on "being motorsports friendly" that you were a moron. But if you have a guilty conscience so be it. Its just as idiotic as using abortion, gun control, and gay marriage as a criteria for your selection. If the shoe fits...wear it. For the record, I'm not for any of it, but based on what republicans have done for us in the last 24 years I must vote democrat. I am not an Obama supporter but will vote for him soley for keeping another republican out of office.

If you are happy with the way our country has been ran for the past 8 years by all means vote for McCain. He's behind the policies and practices of good ole "W" 100%. Yes "W" the man who said on a televised Olympic interview with Bob Costas when asked "What do you think the future president should do about the trouble America is in" stated "Trouble in America? What Trouble? America is not in any trouble" Much the same as New Orleans was not in any trouble after Katerina.:rolleyes: Bush and McCain are both too stupid to come when they are called.

Hell, we have only seen the value of our US Dollar decrease by how much in the last 5 years (60%)? Or how about or National Debt increased by how much ($8.5 Trillion since 2001, We had a surplus in 2000)? Did you know that in the last 4 years Japan has bought up $644B in US Debt? Or how about China? They have bought up $350B in US debt. (Those figures are from March 2007 and have grown astronomically since then) The US Treasury and Social Security owns the rest of our debt. So when your parents are unable to draw benefits and you cannot afford to take care of them, look at the republicans for an answer.

Unemployment figures were just released yesterday and guess what, they have grown to over 6% nationally. It's obvious, we don't need to take care of ourselves:confused:....we need to worry about other countries:mad:. Especially those whose government have a surplus...Like Iraq. Their oil revenues were estimated at over $60B in one quarter last fall. And this is after the US has invested $45B (not counting the cost of the war and our continued occupation) in rebuilding their country.

All of this because everyone is scared that a Democrat will raise taxes, take away your guns, and give a hand out to someone in need? How stupid are you?

George W decreased taxes, no doubt. Unfortunately that tax decrease (which amounts to $20/week or $1040 per year, if you make over $40K/year) means that China, Japan, the UK, and Saudi Arabia now are the mortgage holders to the US. If you are making $769/week(which more than 60% of you are) isn't it worth $20 per week to keep your country owned by America?

I'm not gonna get started on this....If you've been duped for the last 8 years...well...I'll just let it's not worth saying. You are what you are.

I truelly promise you king eddy I won't be voting for george w bush really realy promise you now go fill up tires and give the hoodou a tune up noe tell me some thing a person coming fromharvard would know the us only has 50 states wouldn't he lmfao
Please, Elaborate.
one word oil

A Lesson on Human Nature

I was talking to a friend of mine's little girl the other day. I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up and she replied, 'I want to be President!' Both of her parents are liberal Democrats and were standing there. So then I asked her, 'If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?'

She replied, 'I'd give houses to all the homeless people.'

'Wow - what a worthy goal.' I told her, 'You don't have to wait until you're President to do that. You can come over to my house and mow, pull weeds, and sweep my yard, and I'll pay you $50. Then I'll take you over to the grocery store where this homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward a new house.'

Since she is only 6, she thought that over for a few seconds. While her Mom glared at me, she looked me straight in the eye and asked, 'Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?'

And I said, 'Welcome to the Republican Party.'

Her folks still aren't talking to me.
I've changed my mind about voting, I am going to vote for the libertarian or Nader or one of the "no chance of getting elected" candidates. I don't want to forfeit my right to b*tch... lol, although my personal opinion has always been that as long as you pay taxes you retain the right to complain, regardless of whether or not you voted.

Paying taxes gives you a stake in the workings of government; you're paying for what they do, ergo, you become a customer, a consumer of the services of your government, the provider of their incomes, and thus earn the right to complain. I also think that very good complainers actually get more done than voters. Just check out any good lobbying organization, the AARP, The NRA, pick one. Their voting members really only come into play once every few years, but their organized complaining and resistance day after day? Now that has some effect on a continual basis. And I doubt that each and every organized activist/complainer who works at griping every day votes in each election, but I would bet they have more influence than 10,000 voters who only show up to vote.
1 example of many of the lunacy of Obama and the Democratic party:


Obama's training program described as 'Big Brother'
Critic says plan would herd 'American youth into government-funded re-education camps'

Posted: September 06, 2008
11:45 pm Eastern

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

Sen. Barack Obama

The tax-funded Chicago organization cited as a probable model for programs to integrate youth into the social and political world under an Obama tenure in the White House is the epitome of "Big Brother" that shovels impressionable youth through a course of brainwashing, according to critics.

The organization is called Public Allies and Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama was a founding member of the board of directors in 1992. He later resigned and his wife became executive director of the group.

According to an editorial in Investor's Business Daily, Obama plans to use the non-profit, which is funded partly by the federal government and is featured on Obama's campaign website, as the model for a national service corps, called the "Universal Voluntary Public Service."

WND reported earlier when Obama asserted in a Colorado Springs speech that the U.S. needs a "civilian national security force" that would be as powerful, strong and well-funded as the half-trillion dollar Army, Marines, Navy and Air Force.

In the July 2 speech in Colorado Springs, Obama insisted the U.S. "cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set."

He continued, "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

"Big Brother had nothing on the Obamas," said IBD. "They plan to herd American youth into government-funded re-education camps where they'll be brainwashed into thinking America is a racist, oppressive place in need of 'social change.'"

The organization itself doesn't seem that alarming. It describes itself as serving communities "while developing better leaders for tomorrow." Young adults are placed in "community leadership" posts with various agencies and given weekly "training." They get $1,800 plus health and child care.

But IBD warns the real mission is something else.

That, the editorial said, "is to radicalize American youth and use them to bring about 'social change' through threats, pressure, tensions and confrontation – the tactics used by the father of community organizing, Saul 'The Red' Alinsky."

Dr. Jerome Corsi, a WND columnist and the author of the No. 1 New York Times best-seller "The Obama Nation," agreed. He said the overall intent of the program is much the same as the goals of William Ayers, an Obama acquaintance who spent the 1970s and 1980s as an unrepentant radical, during his various programs regarding public education.

"Remember, Obama has followed Saul Alinsky's ultimate advice," Corsi explained. "Saul Alinsky said radicals like Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman could not organize a picnic. Alinsky told his radicals to cut their hair, buy business suits and run for public office," he said.

"Ayers and Obama are both aimed at producing radical socialist change from within – working today to radicalize our institutions, instead of bombing them. Alinsky considered this approach to be much smarter because it was more likely to produce lasting 'change' and less likely to produce a backlash. In other words, the Alinsky-trained radical could apply more easily the Machiavellian technique of lying by denying they were pursuing radical goals if they appeared to be members in good standing of the establishment they were trying merely to 'change,'" he said.

IBD cited statistics from Public Allies itself, in which it boasted, "our alumni are more than twice as likely as 18-34 year olds to … engage in protest activities." The organization explains it already has dispatched 2,200 community organizers to agitate for "justice" and "equality" in Chicago, Cincinnati, Los Angeles and other cities.

"I get to practice being an activist," and get paid for it, Cincinnati recruit Amy Vincent said, according to IBD.

The organization boasts more than two-thirds of its recruits are "people of color," and 15 percent of "LGBT." When they're not out protesting, IBD said, "they're staffing AIDS clinics, handing out condoms, bailing criminals out of jail and helping illegal aliens and the homeless obtain food stamps and other welfare."

The Allies' own website confirms it has volunteers working for Planned Parenthood, LGBT centers and Boys & Girls Clubs.

Obama has encouraged individuals to shun the "money culture."

"If you commit to serving your community," he pledged in Denver while accepting the Democratic nomination for president, "we will make sure you can afford a college education."

The IBD said the sales pitch is finding supportive listeners among today's youth.

"I may spend the rest of my life trying to create social movement," it quotes Brian Coovert, of the Cincinnati Allies chapter saying. "There is always going to be work to do. Until we have a perfect country, I'll have a job."

IBD said taxpayers already fund half of Public Allies' expenses through President Clinton's AmeriCorps, and Obama wants to fully fund it and expand it into a national program that some see costing $500 billion.

The organization notes that it is a non-partisan organization so it does not endorse candidates. However, it has a lengthy description of the involvement by the Obamas with the organization.

"Under Michelle’s leadership, Public Allies Chicago pioneered many elements of Public Allies' program model. To identify and develop the next generation of Chicago leaders, she recruited young people from housing projects and youth centers as well colleges and universities. Her emphasis on indigenous leadership and belief that all people have potential to lead became a core value of our leadership philosophy. When she left, Public Allies Chicago had a cash reserve, a committed board, a talented young staff, and a network of diverse, talented young leaders in Chicago who continue to serve the community today. Michelle was also a pioneer in the social entrepreneur movement –leaders who create new approaches and organizations to provide new solutions to social problems," the organization said.

"Michelle was an amazing leader and role model for all of us. As a very young staff in the early years, we all emulated Michelle's incredible combination of professionalism, compassion, critical thinking and commitment to her community. For all of her immense talents, she was also one of the most down-to-earth, inclusive, and authentic leaders I’ve ever worked with. She really did believe that everyone could contribute to their communities and that leaders come from all backgrounds and all parts of the community. The Chicago program she pioneered really created the template we all work from today. We are proud of our colleague and wish her well," wrote Paul Schmitz, CEO of Public Allies.
I see with all the harping on morals King O, you fail to mention the circumstances of
O B A S T A R D S birth!!!

Thanks for finally answering my simple question! Now why would you vote for something like that out of hate for Bush who isn't even running?

Didn't want to quote Boppers long post but doesn't that sound a lot like the pioneers group that Hitler formed before his little reign of terror??? or possible the Hitler Youth Group???

Thanks for posting that Bopper I saw that yesterday!
Straight from Investors Business Daily Website. IBD editorials generally take a conservative to libertian stance. The newspaper is often criticized for being excessively devoted to large corporations. They might have there own agenda. JMO
Agenda? Even what comes up when you google stuff is there because of someone's agenda to make sure it hits the top of the list.:rolleyes:
the July 2 speech in Colorado Springs, Obama insisted the U.S. "cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set."

He continued, "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." I like to know what is he smoking
I've changed my mind about voting, I am going to vote for the libertarian or Nader or one of the "no chance of getting elected" candidates. I don't want to forfeit my right to b*tch... lol, although my personal opinion has always been that as long as you pay taxes you retain the right to complain, regardless of whether or not you voted.

Paying taxes gives you a stake in the workings of government; you're paying for what they do, ergo, you become a customer, a consumer of the services of your government, the provider of their incomes, and thus earn the right to complain. I also think that very good complainers actually get more done than voters. Just check out any good lobbying organization, the AARP, The NRA, pick one. Their voting members really only come into play once every few years, but their organized complaining and resistance day after day? Now that has some effect on a continual basis. And I doubt that each and every organized activist/complainer who works at griping every day votes in each election, but I would bet they have more influence than 10,000 voters who only show up to vote.

T-nie you are absolutely right if you pay taxes it gives you the right to *****. Now this may get some peoples backs up but, I believe that if you don't pay taxes you shouldn't have a vote.
