pure street


all you pure street guys-I have over( 50 )1977-1981 firebird parts cars-(same as camaro) Some complete cars-engines,rear ends,fenders,doors,hoods etc.etc.-----better hurry and let me know-I will haul all remaining to the crusher---I purchased Fabalous Firebirds inc--and will be hauling daily-----Randolph Salvage-573-734-2411-or 573-518-4534
also about 40 or 50 driveshafts,403-455-389-301 blocks,cranks,starters,alternators,carbs,t-tops-several disc brake front camaro stubs---jim

any complete with titles? transmission and motor not important as long as body is complete and titled. would prefer 77-81 trans am.
sure I have some-call if you like--some real nice cars to choose from-all have titles---but will be stamped salvage
