Rain Dance everyone weather update for Fed-Ex 50

Man close call for Granite as a big storm went north of the track.

Anyone no howthe weather is doing around the track!
I live about 12 miles north of the track. It is very dark and getting darker to the north and can hear the rumblings of what we dont need...
It's pouring in Edwardsville right now and it don't look good. Even if it does stop most of the traveling drivers would have moved on down the road to home.
Weather.com says 40% chance untill 2:00, 30% chance untill 9:00, and 20% after that. Rained here in Collinsville for about 5-8 minutes, my buddy live in Granite City and he said the same thing. I looked at the radar and I only saw 2 small clusters in MO and 1 in Oklahoma City, unless one comes out of no where, we should be fine!
Sorry To Say, But My Uncle Lives In Tri City's Back Yard And It Is Pooring There. Straight Down Poor For About 15 Minutes Now And Still Raining.

