Rusty Griffaw @ Mcs

loud mouth

The One / The Only
congratulation rusty on your fifth consecutive win (features)
you really got the boys in a up-roar
everyone wants that $100.00 bounty
keep it up your doing great

if there was an award for coolest helmet on the year
you would have my vote !!!

the crowd wants to call you rusty radical griffaw....
in thinkin rusty rodgers griffaw
(jolly rodgers---skull and cross bones)

another suggestion a yong boy

racin rusty griffaw

any input from anyone would be appreciated
Rusty Griffaw

way to go Rusty...I've been watching you race for along time now and I still think your a very good racer...good luck in the future.
Hope you go farther than these people putting a bounty on your head...keep doing what your doing and you'll go far.
