Thoughts & Prayers need for Dennis Hornbostel, Please!


Amy Smallwood
Dennis was admitted to Memorial hospital's ICU last night with complications from smoke inhalation and is on a ventilator currently. He is stable, but unresponsive at this time due to being on the vent. Please keep Dennis and his family in your prayers!

There was a barn fire and he was courageous enough to assist putting it out and helped to move the horses that were in it. He was doing ok afterwards, but later collapsed and stopped breathing.

I will update as I receive news.


Amy Smallwood
Hope he gets better soon, if you guys need anything let us know!!

Jason Davinroy
OMG ! Well he just won my heart trying to save the horses ! What a brave man ! Ours/ mine thoughts and prayers are with you !

Lisa, Gus , and Hailey
Dennis passed his breathing test. He was able to breathe on his own for 30 minutes so the tube is coming out and he's being moved to oxygen.
Dennis, get better real quick! We're pulling for you! What a fantastic act of bravery on your part! Thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

Cummins Racing #19
All of the tubes have been removed and Dennis is breathing on his own. He still has a very rocky road ahead of him and I believe their next step is checking his lungs. He still cannot talk obviously. Please keep up the prayers!

I just want to thank everyone for everthing. I just left the hosptal and hes doing good he may be move to a reg. room tomarrow. He is setting up an talking an making jokes.So he has made a turn for the good . His big sister Judy
Dennis update for this morning: They're talking about moving him out of the ICU but are concerned now with his kidney function. That's all I have for now.
just left dennis s room. He is very sore and weak from being electricuted and from the smoke.Dennis is looking at atleast one month to a full recovery.Thanks Amy for keeping ppl updated on the Mad Monkey.Dennis saved 32 horses and put the fire out.Plz keep him in ur prayers for a speedy recovery.
Dennis's kidney levels are up but they want to monitor them another day so hopefully going home tomorrow. We visited last night and he was in very good spirits! He definitely appreciates all of the thoughts & prayers!
Just got word that Dennis gets to go home within the hour! He will still have quite a recovery at home but at least he can be comfortable as he finishes his recovery!
