What's NOT happening At Godfrey on WBGZ

Tim Herbst

Motor Racing Monday
Tune into Doug Jenkin's news reports all day on Friday Oct 6th, on WBGZ 1570-AM and find out what's not going on at the old Godfrey Speedway site.
Oh boy...i see some good radio talk coming ..lol. This..like you said..should be real good.
Dougie..... You reported what we already have read in the paper. I was expecting quotes from Godfrey officials or a statement for Beelman :mad:.... I do love it though... He'll be running to the county to get the property DE-valued, to have his property tax bill reduced, cause he bought land with an established business on it, worth X amount and now it is just a piece of land with no MAJOR improvments.... cause he flattened them.. Meaning less for the Godfrey money pot. I just hope people remember this come ELECTION time.:eek: Mayor Mike and the board, it is a good thing we still don't live in Godfrey, because you wouldn't be getting our vote, thats for sure.
I've heard alot of that before but not the Beelman quote. "Alot of good jobs for Godfrey". RIGHT!!! I'm glad there are people who haven't forgot about this shady deal. Maybe the guy named Twirp will have something new to say, like I told ya so!!!
Construction is back on!

Construction of the concrete plant is back on. The foundation contractor was on the job today laying out footings. Concrete plant has been purchased waiting for a delivery date.
